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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015



11-Franklin 1, Marriott

Symmetry and Extended Formulations in

Integer Programming

Sponsor: Optimization/Integer and Discrete Optimization

Sponsored Session

Chair: Sebastian Pokutta, Georgia Tech, 755 Ferst Drive, NW,

Atlanta, GA, 30332, United States of America,

Co-Chair: Daniel Zink,Georgia Tech, 755 Ferst Drive, NW, Atlanta GA

30332, United States of America,

1 - Strong Mixed-integer Formulations for the Floor Layout Problem

Joey Huchette, MIT, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Bldg. E40-149,

Cambridge, MA, 02139, United States of America,

, Juan Pablo Vielma, Santanu Dey

The floor layout problem (FLP) asks a designer to position a collection of

rectangular boxes on a fixed floor in such a way that minimizes total

communication costs between the components. This work presents a framework

for generating mixed-integer formulations for the FLP by “encoding” a union of

polyhedra in a higher dimensional space. We present theoretical and

computational evidence for the strength of the resulting formulations and valid


2 - Detecting Almost Symmetries of Graphs

Bernard Knueven, University of Tennessee, 851 Neyland Dr,

Knoxville, TN, 37996, United States of America,,

Sebastian Pokutta, Ben Knueven

We present a branching framework to solve the following problem. Given a graph

G and an integer k, find the symmetries on subgraphs of G formed by removing

no more than k edges. We call such symmetries ``k-almost symmetries’’ of G. We

specialize the framework and present and implement a branch-and-bound

algorithm to find the best such subgraph for a given k. Computational results are

reported, showing that for some popular graphs, few edges need be removed to

induce additional symmetry.

3 - LP and SDP Inapproximability of Combinatorial Problems

Daniel Zink, Georgia Tech, 755 Ferst Drive, NW, Atlanta, GA,

30332, United States of America,


Sebastian Pokutta, Gábor Braun

Motivated by [arXiv:1309.0563], we provide a framework for studying the size of

LP formulations as well as SDP formulations of combinatorial optimization

problems without encoding them first as linear programs. As a result we define a

consistent reduction mechanism that degrades approximation factors in a

controlled fashion. As a consequence we establish strong linear programming

inapproximability (for LPs with a polynomial number of constraints) for several

problems that are not 0/1-CSPs.

4 - Maximizing a Class of Utility Functions Over the Vertices

of a Polyhedron

Andres Gomez, PhD Student, University of California at Berkeley,

4141 Etcheverry Hall, University of California Berkeley,

Berkeley, CA, 94720-1777, United States of America,

, Alper Atamturk

Given a polyhedron, a concave univariate function g, and two vectors c and d, we

consider the optimization problem of finding a vertex that maximizes the function

c’ x + g(d’ x), which is NP-hard. We propose a 1/2-approximation algorithm.

Improved approximation ratio of 4/5 is given for specific cases in project

scheduling and reinforcement learning. Computational experiments indicate that

the suggested approach finds solutions within 1% of the optimal solution for most

of the instances quickly.


12-Franklin 2, Marriott

Global Optimization: Algorithms and Applications

Sponsor: Optimization/Mixed Integer Nonlinear Optimization and

Global Optimization

Sponsored Session

Chair: John Chinneck, Professor, Carleton University, Systems and

Computer Engineering, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1S5B6,


1 - CCGO: A Fast Heuristic Global Optimizer

John Chinneck, Professor, Carleton University, Systems and

Computer Engineering, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON,

K1S5B6, Canada,,

Mubashsharul Shafique

Our CCGO multistart heuristic trades off some accuracy to gain speed. It generally

finds good quality solutions quickly. The main steps are a latin hypercube scatter

of initial points, rapid movement towards feasibility via Constraint Consensus,

clustering, simple point improvement, and local solver launch. Much of the work

is done concurrently. Our results are very promising in comparison to several

existing global optimizers, especially for larger nonconvex models.

2 - A Mixed Integer Nonlinear Program for Remote Hybrid Energy

System Design and Dispatch

Michael Scioletti, Colorado School of Mines,

1500 Illinois Street, Golden, CO 80401, United States of America,,

Alexandra Newman

Our remote hybrid energy system design and dispatch problem is a non-convex,

mixed-integer nonlinear program that determines the optimal mix of

technologies (generators, batteries, and solar panels) and their dispatch to

minimize system costs. Constraints meet load and satisfy operational rules. Most

notably, we model the batteries in some detail. Linearization techniques yield

near-optimal solutions to instances containing real data over a yearly horizon at

hourly fidelity in a matter of hours.

3 - Which Programming Language should you choose for your

Optimization Project?

Bjarni Kristjansson, President, Maximal Software Inc., 2111

Wilson Boulevard, Suite 700, Arlington VA 22201, United States

of America,

When working on real-world optimization projects which are intended to be

deployed for end-users, it is often not enough to use just a modeling language

with a state-of-the-art solver. To implement user-interfaces, data preparation, and

integrating the optimization solution into an easy-to-use application, you will

typically have to use also a programming language. In this presentation, we will

compare the pros and cons between popular programming languages, such as

C/C++, CSharp, Visual Basic, Java, and Python.


13-Franklin 3, Marriott

Robustness in Optimization, Complementarity, and

Queueing systems

Sponsor: Optimization/Optimization Under Uncertainty

Sponsored Session

Chair: Uday Shanbhag, The Pennsylvania State University,

310 Leonhard Building, University Park, PA, 16801,

United States of America,

1 - On Robust Solutions to Uncertain Linear Complementarity

Problems and Their Variants

Yue Xie, Research Assistant, PSU IE, 351 Leonhard Building,

University Park, PA, 16802, United States of America,,

Uday Shanbhag

Complementarity problems have been well studied in modeling optimization and

equilibrium problems. Yet, less progress has been seen in the uncertain context.

We present an avenue for obtaining robust solutions to uncertain linear

complementarity problems in a distribution-free environment by solving a low-

dimensional program. Particularly, robust solutions to uncertain non-monotone

LCPs are provided by customizing an existing scheme. Preliminary numerics

suggest that such avenues hold promise.

2 - Percentile Optimization in Multi-class Queuing Systems with

Parameter Ambiguity

Austin Bren, PhD Student, Arizona State University, 1537 East

Palmdale Drive, Tempe, AZ, 85282, United States of America,

, Soroush Saghafian

In a multi-class queuing system that experiences system ambiguity through

unknown service rate parameters, we incorporate robustness in control policies

by applying a novel percentile optimization technique that allows for the

expression of a controller’s optimism level and utilizes incoming data to learn the

true system parameters. We identify structural results of the optimal policy and

use our technique in a hospital emergency department application using data

from Mayo clinic.

3 - A Convexity Result for Nonlinear Gaussian Chance Constraints

Miles Lubin, MIT, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, E40-149,

Cambridge, MA, 02139, United States of America,,

Juan Pablo Vielma, Daniel Bienstock

We present an extension of the well-known convexity result for linear chance

constraints under Gaussian uncertainty. We derive an exact convex reformulation

for certain nonlinear chance constraints, together with a tractable SOCP

formulation with provable approximation guarantees. We apply these results to

tackle a more challenging chance constraint which arises from nonlinear power

flow equations.
