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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015



14-Franklin 4, Marriott

Optimization Award Session

Sponsor: Optimization

Sponsored Session

Chair: Suvrajeet Sen, Professor, University of Southern California,

University Park Campus, Los Angeles, CA, 90089,

United States of America,

1 -Optimization Society Awards

The Optimization Society sponsors four awards annually. They

are a) the Khachiyan Prize for lifetime contributions in

optimization, b) the Farkas Prize for exceptional mid-career

accomplishments, c) the Young Optimization Researcher award,

and finally, d) the student paper prize competition. The award

winners will present brief overviews of their contributions in this

session. The speakers will be Dr. J-B Lasserre (Khachiyan Prize),

Professor Robert Weismantel (Farkas Prize), Fatma Kilinc-Karzan,

Javad Lavaei, and Somayeh Sojoudi (all for the Young

Optimization Researcher award), and Paul Grigas for the best

student paper. These awards are highly competitive and coveted,

and this session is dedicated to congratulating the winners, and

their lasting contributions to optimization.


15-Franklin 5, Marriott

Theory and Applications of Convex Optimization

Sponsor: Optimization/Nonlinear Programming

Sponsored Session

Chair: Amir Ali Ahmadi, Princeton University, Department of ORFE,

Sherrerd Hall, Charlton Street, Princeton, NJ, 08544,

United States of America,

1 - Finding Stable Periodic Solutions to the N-body Problem via

Robust Optimization

Robert Vanderbei, Princeton University, ORFE, Sherrerd Hall,

Princeton, NJ, 08544, United States of America,

It is rather easy to use nonconvex nonlinear optimization techniques to find

periodic solutions to the n-body problem in celestial mechanics. But, the vast

majority of the solutions found are dynamically unstable. In this talk, I will

discuss how one can adapt ideas from robust optimization to coerce the

optimization toward local solutions that are in fact stable. Some preliminary

results will be shown.

2 - Efficiency of Supply Function Equilibrium in Networked Markets

Ermin Wei, Assistant Professor, Northwestern University, 2145

Sheridan Rd, Tech L310, Evanston, Il, 60208, United States of


, Chaitanya Bandi,

Yuanzhang Xiao

We study the efficiency loss of the supply function equilibrium (SFE). Specifically,

we consider a market where the demand is inelastic, the suppliers submit their

supply functions, and a uniform price is set to clear the market. Literature is

limited to the markets with no network structure, and suggest that SFE is

asymptotically efficient. Motivated by power grid, we study how network

topology affects the efficiency of SFE. We identify the structure where the

intuition from literature holds.

3 - DC Decomposition of Nonconvex Polynomials with

Algebraic Techniques

Georgina Hall, Princeton University, ORFE Department, Sherrerd

Hall, Charlton Street, Princeton, NJ, 08540, United States of


, Amir Ali Ahmadi

The concave-convex procedure is a majorization-minimization algorithm for

difference of convex (DC) optimization, where the constraints and the objective

are given as the difference of two convex functions. In this talk, we focus on

polynomial optimization: we introduce LP, SOCP, and SDP based algorithms for

finding optimal DC decompositions by appealing to the algebraic concepts of

“DSOS-Convex, SDSOS-Convex, and SOS-Convex” polynomials.


16-Franklin 6, Marriott

Advances in Infinite-Dimensional

Linear Programming

Sponsor: Optimization/Linear and Conic Optimization

Sponsored Session

Chair: Marina Epelman, University of Michigan, Industrial and

Operations Engineering, 1205 Beal Ave, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, United

States of America,

1 - Analysis of Algorithms for Non-stationary Markov

Decision Processes

Ilbin Lee, Postdoctoral Researcher, Georgia Tech,

755 Ferst Dr., NW, Atlanta, GA, 30332, United States of America,

, Marina Epelman, H. Edwin Romeijn,

Robert L. Smith

We consider infinite-horizon discounted Markov decision processes (MDPs) with

finite state space and non-stationary problem data. Existing solution methods for

such MDPs are receding horizon approach and simplex algorithm. For each

method, we establish an upper bound on number of iterations to find a near-

optimal solution and compare the theoretical guarantees. We also provide

experimental results comparing their empirical performances.

2 - Policy Iteration for Robust Nonstationary Markov

Decision Processes

Archis Ghate, University of Washington, Industrial & Systems

Engineering, Box 352650, Seattle, WA, United States of America,,

Saumya Sinha

In this talk, we will present an implementable policy iteration algorithm for

solving robust nonstationary Markov decision processes. Its convergence analysis

will be discussed.

3 - Dual Pricing in Semi-infinite Linear Programming

Christopher Ryan, University of Chicago,

Booth School of Business, Chicago, IL, United States of America,,

Kipp Martin, Amitabh Basu

LPs satisfy strong duality (SD) and the dual pricing (DP) property, which means

that given a small perturbation of the right-hand side, there exists a dual solution

that computes the exact change in optimal value. SD and DP fail in general for

semi-infinite LPs. For a restricted constraint space SD and DP hold. We give

conditions for when DP holds in general. Dual solutions may exist that guarantee

DP but have awkward structure. “Nice” solutions can be seen as integrals that

price constraints.

4 - The Slater Conundrum: Duality and Pricing in Infinite

Dimensional Optimization

Matthew Stern, University of Chicago - Booth School of Business,

5807 S Woodlawn Ave, Chicago, IL, 60637, United States of


, Kipp Martin,

Christopher Ryan

For a general class of infinite dimensional vector spaces, we show that the

existence of interior points required by common constraint qualifications for zero

duality gap (such as Slater’s condition) implies the existence of singular dual

solutions that are difficult to find and interpret. We then provide sufficient

conditions that guarantee the existence an optimal dual solution that is not



17-Franklin 7, Marriott

Network Flows and Combinatorial Optimization

Sponsor: Optimization/Network Optimization

Sponsored Session

Chair: Baski Balasundaram, Associate Professor, Oklahoma State

University, 322 Engineering North, Stillwater, OK, 74078,

United States of America,

1 - A Branch Decomposition Algorithm for Better P-median Solutions

Caleb Fast, Rice University, 6100 Main St., Houston, TX, 77005,

United States of America,,

Illya Hicks

This talk presents a branch decomposition algorithm for improving approximate

solutions to the p-Median problem. Since the p-Median problem is NP-hard,

heuristics are commonly used to generate approximate solutions. We use a

branch decomposition algorithm on the support graph generated from multiple

heuristic runs to find an approximate solution of higher quality than that

provided by the heuristic. We report numerical results for some common

