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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015



13-Franklin 3, Marriott

Stochastic Integer Programming

Sponsor: Optimization/Optimization Under Uncertainty

Sponsored Session

Chair: Kibaek Kim, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass

Avenue, Argonne, IL, 60439, United States of America,

1 - A Scalable Approach to Solving Multi-stage Stochastic

Integer Programs

Osman Ozaltin, Assistant Professor, North Carolina State

University, Raleigh, NC, United States of America,

, Burhaneddin Sandikci

Despite being a flexible modeling framework, multi-stage SPs are not widely

adopted in practice, mostly due to their unbearable size. Moreover, incorporating

integer variables renders multi-stage SPs even less tractable. We propose a

bounding-based solution approach, which does not assume convexity but it

rather relies on scenario decomposition and is inherently parallelizable. Our

results demonstrate that the proposed method scales nicely with problem size and

produces high quality solutions.

2 - On Solving General Two-stage Stochastic Programs

Manish Bansal, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Industrial

Engineering and Management Science, Northwestern University,

2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL, 60208, United States of


, Sanjay Mehrotra

We study general two-stage stochastic programs (TSSPs) and present conditions

under which the second stage programs can be convexified. This generalizes the

results of Bansal et al. (2015) for two-stage stochastic mixed integer programs. We

present finitely convergent decomposition algorithms to solve many classes of

TSSPs including TSSP with some non-convex program in the second stage. We

computationally evaluate our convexification approach by solving two-stage

stochastic lot-sizing problems.

3 - Algorithmic Innovations and Software for the Dual Decomposition

Method Applied to SMIP

Kibaek Kim, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass

Avenue, Argonne, IL, 60439, United States of America,,

Victor M. Zavala

We develop algorithmic innovations for the dual decomposition method to

address two-stage stochastic programs with mixed-integer recourse and provide a

parallel software implementation. Our innovations include the derivation of valid

inequalities that tighten Lagrangian subproblems and the stabilization of dual

variables by solving the master problem with a primal-dual interior point method

and provide termination criteria that guarantee finite termination of the


4 - Updates to PIPS-SBB: A Parallel Distributed Memory

Stochastic Mip Solver

Geoff Oxberry, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,

P.O. Box 808, L-792, Livermore, CA, United States of America,

, Deepak Rajan, Thomas Edmunds,

Pedro Sotorrio, Lluís Miquel Munguía, Cosmin Petra

Deterministic equivalent formulations of stochastic MIPs from applications such

as unit commitment (UC) can exceed available memory on a single workstation.

To overcome this limitation, we have developed PIPS-SBB, a parallel distributed

memory stochastic MIP solver based on the distributed memory stochastic LP

solver PIPS-S. Here, we discuss ongoing work on PIPS-SBB, with a focus on

parallel implementations of B&B techniques. We also present a path forward to

solving large UC problem instances.


14-Franklin 4, Marriott

Robust Optimization in Radiation Therapy Planning

Sponsor: Optimization/Optimization Under Uncertainty

Sponsored Session

Chair: Wei Liu, Assistant Professor, Mayo Clinic Arizona,

5777 E Mayo Blvd., Phoenix, AZ, 85054, United States of America,

1 - Scenario-based Radiotherapy Margins: Handling Tissue

Inhomogeneity, Range Errors, and Organ Motion

Rasmus Bokrantz, RaySearch Laboratories, Sveavägen 44,

Stockholm, 111 34, Sweden,

, Albin Fredriksson

We consider a scenario-based optimization formulation to handle the effects of

errors in radiotherapy planning. The formulation coincides with margin-based

planning if the implicit assumptions made when the margins are delineated are

valid, but also generalizes to more difficult situations such as irradiation of

inhomogeneous tissue or irradiation with proton fields. We extend the model to

account for tissue inhomogeneity, proton range errors, and organ motion.

2 - Robust Optimization Methods for Breast Cancer

Radiation Therapy

Houra Mahmoudzadeh, University of Toronto, Toronto ON,


, Timothy Chan, Thomas Purdie

We explore robust optimization methods for improving the quality of treatment

in left-sided breast cancer radiation therapy. Our robust models take into account

breathing uncertainty and minimize the dose to the organs at risk while meeting

the clinical dose-volume limits on the cancerous target. We use clinical data from

several breast cancer patients and compare the outcomes of our robust models

with those of the current clinical methods.

3 - Chance-constrained Robust Optimization in Proton Therapy to

Account for Beam Delivery Uncertainties

Yu An, Mayo Clinic, 5777 East Mayo Blvd., Phoenix, AZ, 85054,

United States of America,

, Jianming Liang,

Wei Liu

We propose a chance-constrained model in intensity-modulated proton therapy

treatment planning by explicitly accounting for range and patient setup

uncertainties in optimization algorithm. Decomposition methods are applied to

render the large-scale optimization problems tractable and achieve the best trade-

off between plan quality and robustness. The results are then checked by patient

population study to demonstrate the statistically significant advantages of our

planning method.

4 - Robust Spatiotemporally Integrated Fractionation in Radiotherapy

Archis Ghate, University of Washington, Industrial & Systems

Engineering, University of Washington Box 352650, Seattle,

United States of America,,

Ali Ajdari

Feasibility of the fluence-maps in the spatiotemporally integrated fractionation

problem crucially depends on the linear-quadratic dose-response parameters of

the organs-at-risk. We present a robust formulation of this problem whereby the

resulting dosing schedule remains feasible as long as the dose-response

parameters vary within a known range. This robust model is non-convex and

high-dimensional. We discuss approximate solution techniques rooted in convex



15-Franklin 5, Marriott

Distributed Convex Optimization

Sponsor: Optimization/Nonlinear Programming

Sponsored Session

Chair: Necdet Serhat Aybat, Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering

Dept., Penn State University, University Park, PA,

United States of America,

1 - A New Globally Convergent Incremental Newton Method

Mert Gurbuzbalaban, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 32

Vassar St, Cambridge, MA, United States of America,

, Asu Ozdaglar, Pablo Parrilo

We develop and analyze a new globally convergent incremental Newton method

for minimizing the sum of strongly convex functions, motivated by machine

learning problems over large data sets and distributed optimization over

networks. We discuss its convergence rate and prove its linear convergence under

some assumptions.

2 - Multiagent Distributed Admm: Rate of Convergence

Ali Makhdoumi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

32 Vassar St, Cambridge, MA, 02139, United States of America,,

Asu Ozdaglar

We consider a multi agent optimization problem where a network of agents

collectively solves a global optimization problem with the objective function given

by the sum of locally known convex functions. This problem arises in many

applications in large-scale distributed statistical estimation. We propose a fully

distributed ADMM algorithm and characterize its rate of convergence as well as

its dependence on the network structure.

3 - An Asynchronous Distributed Proximal Method for Composite

Convex Optimization

Zi Wang, Penn State University, 1400 Martin St, Apt. 2112, State

College, PA, 16803, United States of America,


Necdet Serhat Aybat, Garud Iyengar

We propose an asynchronous distributed first-order augmented Lagrangian

(DFAL) algorithm to minimize sum of composite convex functions, where each

term is a private function to one node, and only nodes connected by an edge can

communicate. We show any limit point of iterates is optimal; an eps-optimal and

eps-feasible solution can be computed with probability at least 1-p within O(1/eps

log(1/p)) communications. We demonstrate the efficiency of DFAL on large scale

sparse-group LASSO problems.
