INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015
3 - Norta Random Vector Generation with Deterministic Constraints
Kalyani Nagaraj, Department of Statistics, Purdue University,
250 N University Street, West Lafayette, IN, 47907, United States
of America,, Raghu Pasupathy,
Soumyadip Ghosh, Jie Xu
We consider the problem of a NORTA random vector generation with given
deterministic constraints. This question is of relevance in settings such as CVaR
estimation in finance, and estimation of expected penalties in large-scale service
systems. We propose a Weibull-like importance sampling twist to NORTA that is
easily implemented and frequently achieves surprising reductions in variance. We
will discuss the asymptotic optimality of the proposed estimator with an
implementable sampler.
77-Room 300, CC
Supply Chain Management VII
Contributed Session
Chair: Sang Won Kim, Assistant Professor, CUHK Business School,
Shatin, N.T., HK, Hong Kong - PRC, - Competition under Power Structure in a Two-echelon
Supply Chain
Abhishek Chakraborty, XLRI, Jamshedpur, 831001, India, this work we bring the importance of power in decision making in a two
echelon supply chain in which a single manufacturer sells to multiple retailers.
We have analyzed the role of differential power structure within the retailers in
affecting the supply chain performance in a Manufacturer-Stackelberg case where
the retailers compete on quantity. Further, we bring in the countervailing nature
of the same where the benefits from the fringe retailers are passed on to the final
2 - Revenue Management in a Manufacturing Supply Chain
Ahmet Ozkul, Associate Professor Of Management, University of
New Haven, 14 Wellington Dr, Orange, CT, 06477, United States
of America,, Mehmet Barut
In this paper, we take the yield/revenue management problem in a capacity
restrained manufacturing company, and put it in a supply chain framework
integrating customer order acceptance decisions with the supplier end in a
manufacturing supply chain. A conceptual model is presented.
3 - How Joint Ventures Business Environment and Vertical Partnering
Relationship Influence Performance
Weixi Han, University of Southampton, Building 2 Highfield
Campus, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom, is a paucity of research regarding vertical partnering relationship played in
a cross-border setting. This study focus on the dyadic relationships as the unit of
analysis, using a qualitative case study and interview in the Chinese automotive
industry, shows how relationship played is performance by both buyers and
suppliers, and how it is critical when viewing the different nationalities joint
ventures backgrounds.
4 - A Study on Supply Chain Sustainability Impact Factors and
Related Empirical Analysis
Zhiduan Xu, Professor, School of Management,
Xiamen University, 422 Siming South Road, Xiamen, China,,Danxia Guo
This paper mainly discusses the impact factors of supply chain sustainability. The
empirical results showed that supply chain context has a significant positive effect
on learning and development ability of the supply chain, and the learning and
development ability have a significant positive effect on supply chain
sustainability. Some of the cases in the enterprises have a significant effect on its
supply chain context, learning and development ability, and supply chain
5 - Supplier Development in Competitive Supply Chains
Sang Won Kim, Assistant Professor, CUHK Business School,
Shatin, N.T., HK, Hong Kong - PRC,,
Yannan Jin, Qiying Hu, Sean Zhou
We study manufacturers’ decisions on supplier integration and supplier
development in a competitive environment, considering two key factors:
manufacturers’ capabilities and the supply structure. We find the efficiency
improvement via supplier integration outweighs the negative impact of increased
competition for the more capable manufacturer, and the reverse for the less
capable. Also, the shared supply structure lowers market competition and
strengthens the benefits of supplier integration.
78-Room 301, CC
Integer Programming Applications in Energy
Contributed Session
Chair: Mohsen Rahmani, Research Scientist, Carnegie Mellon
University, 5000 Forbes Ave, BH 131, Pittsburgh, PA,
United States of America,
rahmani@andrew.cmu.edu1 - Supply Chain Network Optimization for Biomass Generation
Qiu Dong, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
School of Management,1037Luoyu Road, Wuhan, 430074,
China,, Liu Zhixue
This paper focuses on supply chain design for biomass generation plant. A new
biomass supply mode with purchasing station is proposed. An integer
programming model about facility location-allocation is build. And a genetic
algorithm is design for the model. A case study of Xinneng Company, one of the
biggest biomass generation companies of China, is used as an application of the
proposed model. In addition, sensitivity analysis is conducted to provide deeper
understanding of the proposed model.
2 - Mathematical Optimization Techniques for Selective Catalytic
Reduction for a Fleet of Power Plants
Antonio Alanis, University of Texas at Arlington, Box 19017
Arlington, TX, 76019, United States of America,,Jay Rosenberger, Anoop Ade
Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) reduces emissions of oxides of nitrogen
(NOx) in coal-fired power plants. With a given set of scheduled outages for a fleet
of power plants, we use a multi-commodity flow problem with schedule
elimination constraints from the literature and a modified knapsack problem to
create an SCR management plan, which minimizes the total SCR operational cost
of the entire fleet of power plants and maintains NOx emissions below a desired
3 - A Search Space Reduction Strategy for Security Constrained Unit
Commitment Problem
Mohsen Rahmani, Research Scientist, Carnegie Mellon
University, 5000 Forbes Ave, BH 131, Pittsburgh, PA,
United States of America,
rahmani@andrew.cmu.eduWe proposed a special heuristic algorithm to reduce the number of variables and
constraints in the day-ahead security constrained unit commitment (SCUC)
problem. SCUC is a mixed integer linear programming problem (MIP) in which a
least cost combination of generators are defined to follow the next day electricity
demand while considering transmission and generator’s thermal and temporal
constraints. The size of the SCUC is thus reduced, and it becomes tractable by the
MIP solvers.
4 - Strategic Trading in a Multi-leader Multi-follower Framework
Chiara Lo Prete, Assistant Professor Of Energy Economics, The
Pennsylvania State University, 213 Hosler Building,
University Park, PA, 16802, United States of America,
chiaraloprete@psu.eduEnforcement actions in regard to allegations of electricity price manipulation by
financial players have been the source of a great deal of controversy in recent
years. We focus on one type of manipulation strategy (placing unprofitable virtual
bids to enhance the value of related FTR positions) and construct examples of
equilibrium manipulation in the context of a multi-leader multi-follower game
played by generators and financial players.
79-Room 302, CC
Software Demonstration
Cluster: Software Demonstrations
Invited Session
1 - AIMMS - Experience Optimization Modeling in Real Time
Deanne Zhang, AIMMS Optimization Specialist
What can you do in 45 minutes? Attend a lecture? Watch a TED Talk online?
Maybe go on a 5-mile run? There is a lot that can be accomplished in 45 minutes
that can provide both a sense of achievement and generates new ideas. We invite
you to experience this same kind of feeling in a 45-minute journey with AIMMS!
We are going to build an optimization model in real time and publish it on
AIMMS PRO, an enterprise level app store. This 45-minute software demo will
provide you with a fresh view of how AIMMS delivers broader usage and greater
benefits for business users.