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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015


3 - A Low-cost Method for Multiple Disease Prediction

Mohsen Bayati, Assistant Professor, Stanford Graduate School of

Business, 655 Knight Way, Stanford, CA,

United States of America,


Andrea Montanari, Sonia Bhaskar

Recently, in response to the rising costs of healthcare, companies have been

investing in programs to improve the health of their workforce. These programs

aim to reduce the incidence of chronic illnesses and require a low-cost screening

to detect individuals with a high risk of developing such diseases. We offer a

multiple disease prediction procedure that maximizes the predictive power while

minimizes the screening cost. Our method is based on multi-task learning from

machine learning.


42-Room 102B, CC

Joint Session MSOM-Health/HAS: Operations

Research/Management for Public Health:

Data-Driven and Dynamic Decision-Making

Sponsor: Manufacturing & Service Oper

Mgmt/Healthcare Operations

Sponsored Session

Chair: Soroush Saghafian, Harvard University, 79 JFK Street,

Cambridge, MA, 02138, United States of America,

1 - New Data-driven Approach to Safety and Risk

Management in ICUs

Retsef Levi, J. Spencer Standish (1945) Professor of Operations

Management, Sloan School of Management, MIT, 100 Main

Street, BDG E62-562, Cambridge, MA, 02142, United States of


Patricia Folcarelli, Yiqun Hu,

Jeffrey Adam Traina, Daniel Talmor

We develop an innovative system approach to safety in ICUs. The approach is

based on the innovative concept of risk drivers, which are states of the ICU, its

environment and its staff that affect the likelihood of harms, as well as an

innovative aggregated measure of the ‘burden of harm’. Using real data we

develop statistical models that identify risky states in the ICUs of a major

academic medical center.

2 - Developing Optimal Biomarker-Based Prostate Cancer

Screening Policies

Christine Barnett, University of Michigan, 1205 Beal Ave.,

Ann Arbor, MI, United States of America,,

Brian Denton, James Montie

Recent advances in the development of new biomarker tests, which physicians

use for the early detection of cancer, have the potential to improve patient

survival by catching cancer at an early stage. We describe a partially observable

Markov decision process (POMDP) to compute near optimal prostate cancer

screening strategies. We present results based on Monte Carlo simulation to

compare the policies developed using our approximated POMDP methods with

those recommended in the medical literature.

3 - Optimizing Hepatitis C Screening and Treatment

Allocation Strategy

Yuankun Li, University of Washington, Seattle, WA,

United States of America,,

Zelda Zabinsky,

Hao Huang, Shan Liu

Chronic hepatitis C (HCV) is a significant public health problem affecting 2.7-3.9

million Americans. The U.S. healthcare systems are ramping up combined HCV

screening and treatment efforts, but screening and treatment programs are very

costly. We design the optimal HCV screening and treatment allocation strategies in

the next 10 years under yearly budget constraint from a national perspective. The

method includes simulation optimization using adaptive probabilistic branch and


4 - A Robust POMDP Framework for the Management of

Post-transplant Medications

Alireza Boloori, PhD Student Of Industrial Engineering, Arizona

State University, 699 S Mill Avenue, Office # 313, Tempe, AZ,

85282, United States of America,


Curtiss B. Cook, Soroush Saghafian, Harini A. Chakkera

Patients after organ transplantations receive high dosages of immunosuppressive

drugs (e.g., tacrolimus) to reduce the risk of organ rejection. However, this

practice has been shown to increase the risk of New-Onset Diabetes After

Transplantation (NODAT). We propose a robust POMDP framework to generate

effective medication management strategies for tacrolimus and insulin. Our

approach increases the patient’s quality of life while reducing the effect of

transition probability estimation errors.


43-Room 103A, CC

Empirical Revenue Management

Sponsor: Revenue Management and Pricing

Sponsored Session

Chair: Dan Zhang, University of Colorado at Boulder, 995 Regent Dr,

Boulder, United States of America,

1 - Would You Like to Upgrade to a Premium Room? An Empirical

Analysis on Standby Upgrades

Ovunc Yilmaz, PhD Student, University of South Carolina,

1014 Greene St, Columbia, SC, 29208, United States of America,

, Mark Ferguson, Pelin Pekgun

Standby upgrades, where the guest is only charged if the upgrade is available at

the time of arrival, is one technique that has become increasingly popular in the

hotel industry. Working on a data set from a major hotel chain, we analyze the

linkage between guest attributes, hotel characteristics and guest decision-making

for standby upgrades through an empirical study.

2 - Analytics for an Online Retailer – Demand Forecasting and Price

Optimization at Rue La La

Kris Johnson Ferreira, Harvard Business School, Morgan Hall

492, Boston, MA, 02163, United States of America,,

David Simchi-levi, Bin Hong Alex Lee

We present our work with Rue La La, an online retailer who offers limited-time

discounts on designer apparel. One of their main challenges is revenue

management for new products. We use machine learning to build a demand

prediction model, the structure of which poses challenges on creating a pricing

policy. We develop theory around multi-product price optimization and use this

to create and implement a pricing decision support tool. Field experiment results

show significant increases in revenue.

3 - A Model to Estimate Individual Preferences using Panel Data

Gustavo Vulcano, NYU, 44 West Fourth St, Suite 8-76, New York,

NY, 10012, United States of America,,

Srikanth Jagabathula

In a retail operation, customer choices may be affected by stockout and

promotion events. Given panel data with the transaction history of each

customer, we use a general nonparametric framework in which we represent

customers by partial orders of preferences. Numerical experiments on real-world

panel data show that our approach allows more accurate, fine-grained predictions

for individual purchase behavior compared to state-of-the-art existing methods.

4 - Estimation of Arrival Rates and Choice Model with Censored Data

Anton Kleywegt, Georgia Tech, 755 Ferst Drive NW, Atlanta, GA,

30332, United States of America,

Revenue management models with customer choice behavior include two types

of parameters: (1) customer arrival rates and (2) choice parameters. Revenue

managers usually have censored arrival data only, because no-purchase data are

not included. For both homogenous and nonhomogeneous Poisson arrivals we

give necessary and sufficient conditions for the arrival rates and choice

parameters to be identifiable with such censored data, and we give algorithms for

parameter estimation, with numerical results with airline data


44-Room 103B, CC

Pricing and Information in Innovative

Business Models

Sponsor: Revenue Management and Pricing

Sponsored Session

Chair: Jose Guajardo, University of California Berkeley,

545 Student Services Bldg #1900, Berkeley, CA, 94720-1900,

United States of America,

1 - Information Provision Policies in Developing Countries:

Heterogeneous Farmers and Market Selection

Chen-Nan Liao, National Taiwan University, No.1,Sec. 4,

Roosevelt Rd., Taipei City, Taiwan - ROC,,

Ying-ju Chen, Chris Tang

We examine the impact of information provision policies on farmer welfare in

developing countries where heterogeneous farmers lack relevant information for

making market (or crop) selection. We show that the optimal information

provision policy may call for limited dissemination, and the government can

implement it while overcoming perceived unfairness by providing information to

all farmers at a nominal fee. We also examine issues including information

dissemination via a for-profit company.
