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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015


4 - The Effect of Supply Base on Ordering Behavior

Haresh Gurnani, Professor, Wake Forest University, School of

Business and Center for Retail, Winston Salem, NC, 27106,

United States of America,,

Karthik Ramachandran, Saibal Ray, Yusen Xia

Previous experimental research in newsvendor problem has mostly focused on

ordering from a single supplier; we investigate how the availability of multiple

suppliers would influence the order size and allocation decisions with uncertain

demand. We also study how the supply base impacts behavioral insights

developed under a single supplier setting.


54-Room 108A, CC

Computational Optimization and Statistical Methods

for Big Data Analytics: Applications in Neuroimaging

Cluster: Tutorials

Invited Session

Chair: W. Art Chaovalitwongse, University of Washington - Seattle

3900 Northeast Stevens Way, Mechanical Engineering Building,

Room G6, Seattle, WA, United States of America,

1 - Computational Optimization and Statistical Methods for Big Data

Analytics: Applications in Neuroimaging

W. Art Chaovalitwongse, University of Washington - Seattle,

3900 Northeast Stevens Way, Mechanical Engineering Building,

Seattle, WA, United States of America,,

Shuai Huang

This tutorial describes recent advances in computational optimization and

statistical methodologies in the emerging research area of Big Data analytics, with

a focus on classification, regression and feature selection. We discuss the

mathematical and statistical modeling of these problems and provide an

application to brain imaging. Analytics of neuroimaging data can provide a

unique and often complementary characterization of the underlying

neurophysiological process that may be useful in clinical diagnosis of brain



55-Room 108B, CC

Environmental Application and Computational

Aspects of Efficiency and Productivity Analysis

Cluster: Data Envelopment Analysis

Invited Session

Chair: Herbert Lewis, Associate Professor, Stony Brook University,

College of Business, Stony Brook, NY, 11794-3775,

United States of America,

1 - An Algebraic Modeling Language Package for Solving

Large-Scale Data Envelopment Analysis Problems

Wen-Chih Chen, National Chiao Tung University, 1001 Ta Hsueh

Rd., Hsinchu, Taiwan - ROC,


Yueh-shan Chung

Algebraic modeling languages for mathematical programming provide a flexible

and powerful tool for DEA computation. This talk introduces an algebraic

modeling language package for solving large-scale DEA problems. While taking

the advantage of flexibility and powerful solvers from a modeling language, this

package can solve larger-scale DEA problems without limitation on constraints

and variables, and with better computational performance.

2 - Frontier Estimation via Penalized Concave Regression

Abolfazl Keshvari, Dr., Aalto University School of Business,

Runeberginkatu 22-24, Helsinki, 00100, Finland,

Concave regression is an important tool in estimating a productive efficiency

frontier. However, computing this estimator is a very difficult and time consuming

task. The computational burden rises very quickly with increasing numbers of

observations. We develop an unconstrained quadratic programming (QP) problem

to the (monotonic) concave regression, which outperforms the conventional

constrained QP problem. Using our approach, we solve a problem with hundreds

of observations in some seconds.

3 - Productivity Growth and Environmental Efficiency:

A Global Malmquist-luenberger Index Analysis

Jayanath Ananda, Dr, Central Queensland University,

120 Spencer Street, Melbourne, 3000, Australia,

, Benjamin Hampf

The paper analyses the productivity of the urban water sector using the global

Malmquist-Luenberger index while incorporating an undesirable output –

greenhouse gas emissions. Findings indicate that the productivity growth of the

sector has declined in cumulative terms. The water source, the level of

wastewater treatment and production density showed a statistically significant

influence on the relative efficiency of urban water utilities.

4 - Saving Water in California: using DEA to Allocate

Usage Reductions

Herbert Lewis, Associate Professor, Stony Brook University,

College of Business, Stony Brook, NY, 11794-3775, United States

of America,

, Diana Hagedorn,

Thomas Sexton

Governor Brown of California has directed the State Water Resources Control

Board to implement mandatory urban water reductions of 25%. In this paper, we

use DEA in 5 of the 9 water use categories, comprising 95% of the state’s water

usage, to identify the reductions possible in each county through the elimination

of inefficiency. Where the elimination of inefficiency is insufficient to meet the

goal, we use a second linear programming model to allocate additional cuts in an

equitable manner.


56-Room 109A, CC

Spatial Analysis

Sponsor: Location Analysis

Sponsored Session

Chair: Alan Murray, Professor, Drexel University, 3141 Chestnut Street,

Philadelphia, PA, 19104, United States of America,

1 - Transmax 2: An Expanded Transit Route Covering Model

Richard Church, Professor, University of California, Santa

Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106, United States of America,

, Timothy Niblett

Current et al. (1984, 1985) were the first to suggest a routing problem to

minimize distance and maximize demand coverage. This problem characterizes

the principal goals of transit route design. Since that time there have been a

number of formulations, involving elements like route extension and multiple

route design. We discusses the TRANSMax model of Curtin and Biba (2011) and

based upon that propose a new, expanded formulation called TRANSMax 2,

which allows for greater flexibility.

2 - Max Flow with Buyout: Identifying The Minimum Number of

Facilities/personnel Required to Meet Demand

Blair Sweigart, Operations Research Analyst, US Coast Guard,

216 Maryland Ave, Norfolk, VA, 23504, United States of America,

The USCG needs to ID deployability of personnel and mission impact. This

reduces to a facility location problem: mission demands are demand nodes,

personnel are potential facilities, arc capacities are time requirements. Objectives

are: determine min. number of personnel needed to meet demand; ID if a person

is critical. If not, ID the tradeoff cost. This is a modification of a max-flow

algorithm that pushes excess out of the network intelligently to minimize the

required number of personnel.
