TPi October 2012 - page 74

Tube ProducTs InTernaTIonal october 2012
water, drainage & underground
Aid brings water and sanitation to northern
Ecuador village
A grant of $15,860 from The Prem Rawat
Foundation (TPRF) has helped finance a
complete overhaul of the water-supply
system serving the citizens of the village
of Paragachi, Ecuador.
The project was carried out by the
non-profit Fundacion de Ayuda Social
Montanas de Esperanza (Mountains
of Hope, or MdE), not only for the
people who live in Paragachi, but also
to serve as a model to be used in
other communities in northern Ecuador,
according to Mr Murtha, MdE president.
“Mountains of Hope has achieved an
amazing result,” said Linda Pascotto,
TPRF president. “They have managed
to provide an ongoing source of clean
water for an entire village for less than
$35 per person. The new system also
paves the way for future economic
development and autonomy for these
Mr Murtha said the project completely
restores the Paragachi community’s
irrigation system by replacing
deteriorated pipes with an improved,
better-quality product. In addition to
renovation of storage tanks, workers
installed new suspension rigging over
ravines and a new primary intake pump
at the water’s source.
The results include a comprehensive
distribution system running under the
village streets to bring water to each
family’s potential garden area. A local
water board will oversee access for
the second phase of the plan, which
encourages each household to start a
productive organic garden.
“TPRF funding assured us of a
dependable supply of irrigation water
sourced from the extensive regional
aqueduct system coming from mountain
lakes,” Mr Murtha said. He added that,
long-term, this will increase family
income through the sale of excess
produce, guarantee a source of food
in times of drought, allow villagers to
grow trees and flowers, supply water for
animals, and generally turn the parched,
dusty environment of Paragachi green.
The Prem rawat Foundation
The old water system has been updated
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