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Page Background

Albania - Kosovo Gas Pipeline

General Information


Min. of Energy and Industry

of AL & Min. of Economic

Development of KO


Albanian Ministry of Energy

and Industry

Host Country





Publication Approval Status



Fier ² Lezha (ALbania) ² Prishtina (Kosovo)

Ministry of Energy and Industry of AL & Min. of

Economic Development of KO


Lezha (Albania) - Pristina (Kosovo)

Ministry of Energy and Industry of AL & Min. of

Economic Development of KO




Pipeline including CS


Update Date




The AlbaniaKosovo Gas Pipeline (ALKOGAP) project is to interconnect the existing and planned gas transmission system of the Republic of Albania

including TAP & IAP project) with the future projected gas transmission system of the Republic of Kosovo, and the transmission interconnectors

which are part of eastern brunch of Energy Community Gas Ring (ECGR), as well. This transmission pipeline would create the preconditions for the

further development of the natural gas markets of Albania, and the creation and development of the natural gas markets of Kosovo in the estimated

annual level of 2 bcm (1-1.3 bcm for Albania and 0.5 - 0.7 bcm for Kosovo). It would be possible to increase its capacity (double or triple), in the case

that ALKOGAP will be used to supply Serbia and other countries with Caspian or Middle East gas.

Regulatory Decisions and

similar material conditions

This project is in line with the aims of the Energy Community Treaty ²establishing the regional gas market, integrated with EU energy market. The

Albania-Kosovo gas pipeline is considered part of the Energy Community Gas Ring, which is the concept of gasification for entire region, proposed

by the WB Study and accepted by the Gas Fora of the Energy Community. The proposed project is in line with the: -Albanian Government priorities

in the gasification of the country. -In the gasification of the EU countries and Contracting Parties of the Energy Community.

Generated by ENTSOG PDWS on 10/10/2016 05:00:19 PM

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Current TYNDP : TYNDP 2017 - Annex A