Main Driver Explanation
The AlbaniaKosovoGas Pipeline (ALKOGAP) project is to interconnect the existing and planned gastransmission system of the Republic of Albania
(including TAP & IAP project) with the future projected gastransmission system of the Republic of Kosovo, and the transmission interconnectors which are
part of easternbrunch of Energy Community Gas Ring (ECGR), as well. The project aims to establish a new supply route fornatural gas from the Middle East
and Caspian Region transported by Trans Adriatic Pipeline, northeastwardsof the Western Balkan area towards Serbia. The ALKOGAP project however shall
be planned as bidirectional pipeline, so the possible supply direction could also be north ² south, from the ECGR, or other sources.
Benefit Description
The benefits will include: introducing an environmentally more acceptable energy source in the region (replacement for firewood, coal, fuel oil and
complementary generation to renewable energy, and the potential for increased cogeneration and CHP) facilitating the gasification of considerable
eastern parts of Albania and entire territory of Kosovo increasing energy security to both Albania and Kosovo providing diversified gas supply to the
region providing the access to Albanian storage capacities providing significant transit capacity and income to Albania and Kosovo, creating the
preconditions for supporting the regional concept of South European Gas Ring. Reducing CO2 emissions in the region and facilitating economic
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Current TYNDP : TYNDP 2017 - Annex A