Expected Gas Sourcing
Algeria, Caspian Region, LNG (QA,US)
Main Driver
Market Demand
Main Driver Explanation
Schedule towards commissioning will be affected by binding requests from shippers
Benefit Description
IGB development is not associated with a specific supply source. The pipeline can interact with alternative supply sources - such as, Southern Corridor
pipeline gas, LNG through Greece/ Turkey.
Delay Explanation
Extension in permitting procedures for authorization of construction and of regulatory TPA procedure for new gas infrastructure
Barrier Type
The regulatory framework has to provide more streamlined process for decisions on TPA regime and licencing, and ensure a viable rate of financial return
from the investment.
Permit Granting
Affected by delays
Government support expected on issues such as streamlined permitting and regulatory decisions on commercial development, availability of financial
Development of the networks of neighboring gas TSOs to be interconnected with IGB should be incentivised to ensure proper technical conditions for
expected additional flows. Better integration of the gas transmission networks in the overall region affected by IGB must also be achieved in order to
supply gas from IGB to the wider SEE region.
Generated by ENTSOG PDWS on 10/10/2016 05:00:19 PM
Page 34 of 620
Current TYNDP : TYNDP 2017 - Annex A