Vermouth Cocktail.
(Use large barglass.)
Fill glass two thirds full fine ice.
Take 2 dashes maraschino.
2 dashes Angostura bitters.
I jigger vermouth
Stir,and strain into cocktail-glass; fruit if desired.
Absinthe Cocktail.
(Use medium-size glass.)
Fill glass nearl}' full fine ice; cool oflf claret-glass
while preparing.
Take 2 dashes Angostura bitters.
2 dashes anisette.
Yi jigger absinthe.
Add a little water; stir well, and strain into claret-
Improved Tom Gin Cocktail.
(Use medium-size glass.)
Fill with fine ice.
Take I dash Curagoa. *
2 dashes bitters (some preferring orange
I jigger Old Tom.
Stir well, and strain in cool cocktail-glass.
Wachholderbeeren Hahnschwanz.
Prepared in same manner, using two dashessyrup
instead of Curagoa and Holland gin.