Claret Cup.
Take i bottle of claret.
little water.
I tablespoonful of powdered sugar.
I teaspoonfulof powdered ciuuamou,cloves,
and allspice, mixed.
I bottle soda.
Mix the ingredients well together, adding the
thin rind of cucumber and some mint, not pressed.
This is a nice summer beverage for evening parties.
Porter Cup.
Take i bottle of porter.
I bottle of ale.
I glass of brandy.
I dessertspoonful of syrup of ginger.
3 or 4lumps of sugar.
y2 nutmeg, grated.
I teaspoonful carbonate of soda.
I cucumber.
Mix the porter and ale in a covered jug; add the
brandy, syrup of ginger, and nutmeg; cover it, and
expose it to the cold for half an hour. When serv
ing, put in the carbonate of soda.
Sherry Cocktail.
(Use small mixiug-glass.)
Made in same manner as whiskey, only using
Amontillada sherry.