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It is only in 1998, with the contribution of Harald Kraft’s proposal for solving the

future water needs of the city, that Roger A explicitly returned to what can be called

his own early vision of the centre, as indicated in some of the early galaxy plans, of

a large lake surrounding the central Shrine and immediately bordered by the high

density buildings of the city.


Both the foundation and the purpose of our work in overseeing and coordinating the

completion of the Matrimandir and its entire environment, are one: to be as faithful

as possible to what She has seen and wished.

In view of the present proposal to create an enormous lake as the only transition

between the city proper and the Inner Gardens of the Matrimandir, we can but

state that it does not conform to the Mother’s stated wishes.

The above review of Her recorded words regarding the Matrimandir site makes it

unquestionably clear that:


The Matrimandir itself must be on an island, together with the banyan tree

and an inner garden.


This island must be surrounded by a moderately-sized body of water.


This water body must be surrounded by a full garden/park.


This park as a whole must be either encircled by a road, with gateways, or by

an isolating zone.

The only major difference between the Mother’s early descriptions and Her latest

ones is that the central island has gradually grown In size so as to house more and

more elements – the banyan tree, the Urn and its amphitheatre, the 12 Petals

around the sphere and finally the 12 Inner gardens, leaving on the other bank of

the water body the Outer Gardens where are the tall trees.

We may thus suggest that the general lay-out which has been the operative

reference accepted by Roger A, Piero and Narad and all those who worked at

Matrimandir since the early 1970s (the present MMCG came into existence only in

1988) is to be once more confirmed, with perhaps one significant improvement: the

water-way could be deepened and widened here and there so as to provide the

sense of a substantial expanse of water around the Oval island.

Note: Our comments and analysis of the project proposal of a large lake for the

needs of Auroville’s water supply are articulated in another document”.


Note: We were later on to prepare more such documents, accompanied by clear,

graphic illustrations; it took the form of a large sized brochure, which we printed

ourselves for distribution to all the members of the Governing Board and other

eminent guests who were invited as consultants.
