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that I can’t be that joyous in any circumstance…! Is it always and only insincerity

that opens one to depression?

… At night, listening to Your Agenda, I hear You say something which strikes me as

precisely the program I must follow: You say that there must be…

« … une acceptation totale et joyeuse de tout ce qui est, comme condition

indispensable pour participer pleinement à ce qui sera… Un refus de ce qui est n’a

pas le pouvoir de changer. Il faut accepter le monde, avec compréhension et

joyeusement, pour que ça puisse changer et devenir ce que ça doit être. Il faut

devenir le Suprême de ce qui est, pour changer avec le Suprême en ce qu’Il veut

être… ! »…

At first I feel a strong resistance to it. Then I begin to perceive how much love is

contained in it; and I understand that it is only the limits of my capacity to

assimilate the contradictions that prevents me from experiencing this position… And

then, in a sudden moment of lifting the veil, unexpectedly, I experience the

atmosphere of Lord Krishna: His unique atmosphere… His own self-built offering of

being, the quality and the vibration of this Presence… I don’t know why it


Later on You happen to explain the significance of the number 9, which is my


« La gestation dans la Matière. »

*12-1-1980, Auroville:

Gauri has remained the whole night where I left her, immobile. Her moaning and

meowing is softer when I caress her, quieter; she is healing herself and her body

must be feeding on its own milk… Truly, “all life is yoga”…!

… Satprem has sent an extract of Your Agenda of 1972 in which You say that the

only way to get rid of “undesirable” elements is the very force of our sincerity: such

people would find it unbearable to live in the atmosphere that the sincerity of our

realisation would generate…

*13-1-1980, Auroville:

It is Sunday. After the clean-up of the house, I cycle down to “Douceur” to see

Cristo about bricks and cement, then to “Auromodel” to change the tapes of the

Agenda at Al.B’s; he has just received his copy of the Volume 5 and shows me the

2 pages of warning Satprem has written as regards Panditji’s tantrism which,

according to him, is now turned against Your Work…

… At noon Krishna comes; he brings music tapes of Middle East and Arab songs;

our bond seems to be effortless, motiveless, given, purposeless, timeless, both of

us here for You, for the love of You…

P.G comes to ask that Laur and her children may come and have their afternoon

rest in the house; we all share coffee… Krishna and I rest in the inner room, his

head on my feet, Gauri asleep on my lap… He reads the papers; his physical

presence is always like an environment to me, in which I feel sheltered and at

home; it is not two distinct, separate bodies, but two milieus that freely

intermingle, with a kind of gratitude…

… When I am finished doing the laundry I find that Laur has left the room in a mess

of pillows; it strikes me as odd: she had been repeating the mantra all the time,