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I cycle down to Pondy and go to the “Yezdi” dealer. I have finally made up my mind

to order a good, brand new motorcycle. I bring flowers to Al.B at Dr Sen’s Nursing

Home, where he is resting from surgery on his knee cap; I hadn’t seen him since

his accident; I am struck again by his linearity: he is of one mood, of one track,

while I keep shifting, within seconds, from one state to another; it makes me

almost ashamed, because my awareness includes what to him is subconscious… In

fact, it is so with many people: they talk on, focussed on their thought-process and

delivery, in a smooth continuous way, while I am often overwhelmed with all the

other “things” that are active in them…! It is often very awkward! But I like the

friendship between us…

*12-4-1980, Auroville:

I go to Krishna in “Certitude” this afternoon. A couple of days ago, to outline the

absurdity of a certain collective egoism (while A had been away no one had

remembered to leave his food basket for him), he had gone and grabbed hold of

the entire supply and locked it in his room and gone out… As I had seen it, he had

packed in that one action as much humour and aspiration for love as he could. But

it now appears that no one there has even suspected it could be so, and every one

has taken it very seriously... This settlement of “Certitude”, with the split between

the SAS residents and the Aurovilians is almost suffocating… Today I find people

posted, waiting for the arrival of the food baskets, looking very self-righteous – no

trace of humour there! It is as if they are all against him… What shocks me most is

the attitude of Patricia, she whom I cherish so much: she has not had the slightest

intuition of Krishna’s meaning and call, and now she and F.Gr go up to him and

threaten him that his supply might be cut as a punishment… This is all a little

sordid… This is, I thing, what a “couple” association often does: it creates an even

stronger egoism, each reinforcing the other and both feeling a little superior, and

more accomplished… I cannot reach Patricia anymore…!

*13-4-1980, Auroville:

Sunday at home, resting – Gauri has been so restless, soiling my sleep every night

of this past week…

… Twice the Tasilhdar and some officials come looking for G.M, to convey the

Governor’s invitation to another “Peace Meeting”… This is too weird…! In the

evening they come again and head for “Dana” with their jeep; I feel very

uncomfortable about it; it is clear that Navajata and Co are trying to get some of us

ensnared into the pretence of a dialogue, so that they can tell people in Delhi that

they are working it out and there is no cause for concern… But this picking of

individuals is sickening… So I make everything ready for our night-watch at

Matrimandir, leave a note in the office for Krishna, and cycle over to “Dana”… Both

Marcia and G.M are very tense; the Tasilhdar has just left; their entire day has

been very tight, G.M hurt his hand, fruit was stolen from their orchard, they felt

invaded by strange vibrations and waves of unease… I feel like watching closely

over G.M these days…

… Krishna joins be a little late; he is exhausted: he had no sleep last night and had

to cycle to Pondy and back, carrying a whole bed! He lies down on a mat near me

and soon he is fast asleep…

I pray that I can be what my friends truly need me to be…