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*17-6-1981, Auroville:

I sleep and sleep and sleep, letting go; little by little, tensions disappear; I do not

believe in “my will”: separation is so painful!

Perhaps I am sinking, but I know that the same Presence, as tangible, is also… at

the bottom…!

… When I go to E.B’s for my class, she tells me she has been “instructed” by Al.B to

lay “certain conditions” before me… People turn away from her, now that I come to

her place every day…

*18-6-1981, Auroville:

We attend the general meeting this afternoon. Financial guidelines are read out;

but now I wonder: no guidelines can ever replace consciousness – individual

commitment, honesty and transparency…

… I dreamt that the “Army” had come to “Sincerity” to take me prisoner, and I was

kept in a sort of loose jail for a long time: it was so vivid and so full of details and

so concrete that, when I woke up, I couldn’t believe that I was free, and at home…!

*19-6-1981, Auroville:

Mother, I have got nothing to give! I am poor, empty, and incapable of joy!

I don’t want to be a weight on anyone, Mother!

It is a cry of emptiness, a terrible need for Being, for Conscious Being…!

… This is the absurd, terrible status-quo: left hanging, forced to live, and to endure

the absence… I want to let go, to sleep, to sink until I do touch Something that

wants, that Wills, that Can!

Nothing makes sense, and yet… people keep moving, picking up scraps of

awareness… Is it worth one more life, one more waste of Matter…?

Nothing is yet truly born!

*20-6-1981, Auroville:

I am reading this wonderful book, “Timeless Way of Building”, which develops with

real intelligence an experience which has also been mine since I ever can

remember, about building; it is very sensitive, balanced and well-poised. This

reading, along with simple physical effort and discipline, helps me… Otherwise,

sometimes… I think it’d be cleaner for me to live in some big city, as a prostitute…

*22-6-1981, Auroville:

I have started running; the body is happy…

*21-6-1981, Auroville:

I didn’t know this morning that it would be my last class with E.B…

She came here this afternoon to tell me she didn’t want to continue: one more door

is shut… I keep quiet…

Am I false? Am I bad?

It’s like everything, everyone I touch, eventually hardens, rejects and closes

against me or attacks me angrily, with jealousy, and with hypocrisy…

I don’t know…

… Tonight, I go to Yel before his night-shift in the garden: I needed that embrace,

straight, that is not the soft, environing one of a woman…