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It seems to me this has nothing to do with desire, or vital dissatisfaction; it is more

basic and wider at the same time.

On the one hand, I trust that this will be given its right answer, through You; on the

other hand, because of my past and of the strange contradictions that have

surrounded me for so long, I doubt that anything will ever come in place in this life,

without You directly putting it right. And that doubt is frightful, in the sense that it

throws the shadow of a perpetual pointlessness on the way…

… D.M sent me some fruits; I was to go to her this evening, but she is not feeling

well. About two days ago, she and Janaka asked me to find a male cat, russet

coloured or tiger striped, so that they would have help against the rats in their

house; and tonight, as I walked back from a quiet stroll over to the amphitheatre, I

heard the desperate meowing of a kitten coming from the woods near here; I

stopped and called softly, till it came to me; and I saw, in the moonlight, that it was

the right colour; I took it with me and fed it and found that it was indeed a male, of

a lovely fauve and grey colouring, and grey-green eyes; and it is now getting

accustomed to this new situation, exploring the terrace and making lots of useless

sounds… I just hope it will let me sleep:

*19-5-1986, Auroville:

I go through the day with no clear sense of direction, no impulse one way or

another, no sense of whatever I may or may not be doing, except for those

moments when comes the need to concentrate, to gather whatever energies I am

aware of into an active offering of concentration, the only need that is meaningful…

All the questions about having some organic function within a larger whole, are

coming again and again, but everything now, everything can be summed up in one

single Necessity: devenir conscient de la joie d’être au centre de tout, ce point du

Suprême qui seul valide tout le reste, toute la manifestation et tout le labeur…

I am like a parched, hardened soil that thirsts for one thing only: Joy, the Joy of


Sri Aurobindo, often I turn to You, nowadays, with the need of You, with the need

of the Two of You…

This is all so absurdly tedious…

I don’t like to moan and complain: I don’t want this “I” at all!

Somewhere, not very far, I know also that I am free. And I am aware too of a

certain, partial delight…

*21-5-1986, Auroville:

An odd dream-experience last night: I am looking for Ina at “Brindavan”, and some

strange people steal my cycle, and I go searching for it through different

workshops, storerooms and courtyards, and nearly get into a fight with workmen

who are lying to me, and finally I find the man who has hidden my cycle, and this

man is dying, and he has such a poor, awful karma, and I realise I am there

somehow to help him, to assist his dying, and it is a terrible process which I try to

make less of a hell…

And then, at another moment in the night, I find myself with the statues of Easter

Island, and particularly with a large number of them that are hidden, smaller in

size, and are figurative of the different racial types on earth…