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yesterday was the new moon, D.M’s sign; perhaps something has upset those parts

or elements that have remained connected with the place and with the work… I do

not know anything; and I don’t care to “know” mentally; I care to grow more aware

and conscious, centrally, but I have no knowledge: only a mixed bag of

perceptions, impressions, and fragments of experience…

*8-12-1986, Auroville:

I spent a quiet moment with Su, because I’d seen that she had become upset, and

I find it important that friendship is upheld.

… I have been preparing a comprehensive statement of accounts, to be sent to

Janaka’s sister, along with a letter, as Larry told me today that she had talked over

the phone with Nini of “Aurelec” and expressed the view that the family wasn’t at

all considering contributing more money to “Ravena”… Larry seemed to be

depressed about it and feeling defeated and about to give up trying; but I insisted

that we must keep trying to make them understand (the significance of “Ravena”

and its importance to Janaka)…

*9-12-1986, Auroville:

One of last night’ activities was an interesting adventure: we were on the moon,

and had found, finally, water; and we also found a pack of elephants; and we also

met “people”; they were few, but very intense people, with very interesting

attitudes; and the quality of the air is such that I can easily and happily do what I

could only do in dreams of the subtle physical, that is to float up and down and

over the whole place freely, fast or slow, fast and slow, just like a naiad in water,

moving comfortably with the air currents…

*10-12-1986, Auroville:

There’s been some agitation today regarding Krishna: Akash, sent by Barbara, went

around trying to gather everybody “as a group’ (probably the worse movement to

fall into), so that could be conveyed to Krishna that he must change his ways

regarding his music playing – his loud and insistent and relentless playing has

driven both Barbara and Pat to a near-hysterical state… I know well what it is, for

having lived it myself, but my experience with Krishna makes it impossible for me

to join such a gathering; so, I declined. But it worries me: Krishna isn’t well within


… This afternoon Su left on my cycle the most delightful note I have ever received:

she has tried to write in French about the clothes line that had broken, and her

attempt created a most wonderful, sweet and funny sentence; strangely, it has left

me with an impression of much dearness: I shall keep it with me…

*11-12-1986, Auroville:

Ar. came to meet me at “Ravena” this morning, needing to talk; she is worrying

over my relationship with Su…

And then Yaap came and somehow, for the first time, it turned out to be a rather

simple and straightforward talk; he seems to have seen now and accepted the

necessity for him to build his own house on a different plot, not as near to the main

house, rather than to convert the hut into his own thing; this is encouraging…!