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itself. Yet I m not aware of the new, of the future; it is as if it is all coming to

blankness, to a point of neutrality…

*8-7-1987, Auroville:

Ed came to “Ravena” this morning, to talk: he has finally managed to purchase a

piece of disputed land, adjacent to “Ravena”, thus connecting the Auroville land in

that area; this is achievement he is rather proud of; he has worked hard on it and

he considers that this settles his debt to Janaka. He wanted to let me know this… I

could appreciate the urge that had led him to speak to me, but I took the chance to

give him a review of what I have had to go through for “Ravena” because of the

lack of funds… However he merely kept asking me “what, if… what if I cannot

complete it? And who will maintain the place? What will it be used for…?” And I

have no answers!

*9-7-1987, Auroville:

I have been wondering about the difference, sometimes subtle, between self-

discipline and self-jailing or self-limiting…

I was cycling home from work with the intention to do my evening asanas, when I

met G.G on the road, who wanted to return to me the papers I had given him to

write up a project on “Ravena” (the possibility he had thought of didn’t work, in the

end), and we got unexpectedly involved in a long conversation and there came an

encouraging sharing of views on the present condition of Auroville; G.G has

recently been led to take certain positions in which he believed, and that has

exposed him to various reactions – and he’s been called names, and this has taught

him a bit, it seems; it was, for once, like communicating to a brother, someone

likely committed…

*11-7-1987, Auroville:

I went to visit J.P at Dr Sen’s; I hadn’t seen him for about 10 days: he has aged,

and thinned out considerably and, sitting up on his bed, Hélène near him reading

him a story, the look of the blind on his face and his voice still catching, he could

have come out of a Camp… But his sweetness and his formidable need for

friendliness is dominating everything. He still cannot see more than vague shapes,

and with one eye only, but he makes out the colours when presented at close


… There was a rather sad scene at “Ravena” today: someone has offered to

Jagannathan the job of chief carpenter, with higher wages than those I can afford

paying him (in Auroville terms I pay him good enough wages, but he has become

obsessed with money, even though by village standards he is not a poor man, as he

owns fields and assets…); he pretended to ask my advice, but he was actually

pressuring me to increase his wages, or else…! So I let him decide for himself, and

he did: he has quit. And that was sad, for many reasons: he isn’t going to really

earn that much more, while on the other hand he is leaving unfinished a work

which we have been doing together for about two years now, and I was hoping we

could complete together, thus sharing in a concrete offering…

This should free me from a sense of being duty-bound to these men – this had

been my main worry all along, to see that these people can finish the work they

had started, as a complete experience: I guess this is a remnant from past times,