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At Matrimandir nowadays this Creative Force is nearly completely blocked,

hampered by the negative alchemy of confluent rigidities.

A trickle of it keeps flowing. Even that is precarious.

It is not the Force itself that is precarious. It is what’s left of our receptivity to It.

Remember, those who were there, what was pouring over us all at the time when,

according to our senses, She was sitting in Her chair, up in Her room?!

Why not now?

We all want That to be back, don’t we? We all want It to be concrete, active,

constant, day and night, in every movement, at every instant, don’t we?

What is usually called “creativity” is like the foam of the wave: external harmony,

some beauty and refinement, a certain richness of expression – we have plenty of

all that, thanks.

But it is the women’ job to attune to that Creative Principle that alone can seize the

bits of truth here and there, left, right and centre, and use them all in Its flow; that

alone can discern the far-reaching purpose through all the myriad of small steps to

be made, not with the mind or with the emotions, but with an innate sense of birth-


Gentleness, grace, charm and ease, and nearly all the qualities that are

conventionally the contribution of the feminine can be achieved and manifested by

men as well.

But just as perhaps only men can stand alone in the Presence and let go, only

women can actually learn to become one with the creative flow of the Force in life

and matter.

It is a most difficult job. But it is crucial.

If it is not done, Auroville will remain at best on a tangent, on and on; never quite

getting there.

I find this prospect even more frightening than failing entirely.



“To try and make myself clear: I find that we have a serious problem here, of


The right, the true energy, the one Energy that can build the real Auroville, the real

Matrimandir, isn’t flowing – or only a trickle of it does. And therefore all of “our

energies” are ill-used, if not misused.

What we have is a status-quo.

It is the natural consequence of unresolved conflicts enacted by men; the end-

result of a bargain between egos: you yield this, I yield that; you have this, I have

that. And let us sit on each side of the fence and wait out our mutual siege.

Like the making of Europe, or like disarmament, it is typical of masculine conduct.

In our case nothing has truly been worked out and nothing truly creative can

happen; the ground of manifestation is frozen.