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workers to read and write in English, and the meeting agreed that Matrimandir

could pay part of the teacher’s salary…

Now what? Piero’s resignation, on top of Mauna’s, would mean that much of the

work would soon be halted; and Arjun will remain seated in his plush office, the

giggling Stuart by his side, doing what?

Piero’s show was stupid, and his repeated threats to withdraw are boring… But the

atmosphere seems to be only worsening, as if through our weaknesses we were all

inexorably dragged to the defeat of the whole purpose…

I was feeling quite sick, as if to smile was a thing no longer of this world; sick too of

my own clinging and wanting to own, in relation to Selvam, of my incapacity to

reach out in purity – not the moral purity but the purity of a movement devoid of

wanting, secure in the truth and integrity of its own self-giving… We are miserable

creatures. In that condition, there can be no future…

… Janet, this afternoon, insisted that I must carry on and bring out my proposal for

a new direction at Matrimandir and a process to be adhered to in order to come out

of this impasse… She was so positive about it that it drew me out of depression,

and when I returned here I sat re-writing the paper I had prepared about two

weeks ago… Menaig also came to sit with me this evening, having now realised that

participation of another kind is now necessary…

… F.J has written that he and Chr.J are thinking to come here next January along

with C, and asking what I think of it…!

*1-7-1989, Proposal:


“The text that follows was written about three weeks ago; I didn’t share it at the

time because I felt it would be so much better if the workers of Matrimandir could

either find a progressive balance or, as a group, issue a similar request to Auroville

at large.

Since then however, first Mauna and now Piero have resigned from their work at

Matrimandir; their respective decisions to do so were triggered by a difficult,

unresolved inter-personal conflict in the context of the day-to-day work – not over

the issue of design, at this point.

Yet I would maintain that such conflicts can only last and become suffocating when

the flow of energy is blocked or hampered to a serious degree, when it can no

longer help each one to find the right work, the right place and the right function

within a whole.

Matrimandir is giving us all a test – a tough one: to discover how It needs and

wants to be made complete and how It wants to communicate to the world; to

discover Its true living functions.

We do not need more meetings; we do not need more flags, more exclusivism; we

do not need compromises.

We need the contribution of individuals of Auroville who recognise the necessity of a

solid physical anchor into the True, so that a collective being may evolve past the

divisive mental ego.”