. 13 .
Register at
LMCCE.org Intermediate BridgeFor players who have taken beginner and beyond beginner classes.
Six classes will focus on play of the hand; counting winners
and losers; bidding conventions including Stayman, Blackwood
and Michaels; opening leads and defense; slam bidding.
Jill Marshall began playing duplicate bridge in 2007 and has
been on the top 500 list for the last several years. In 2013 she
finished #171 in North America. She is a Gold Life Master.
5 Mondays: March 7 – April 18 (no class March 21, 28):
7:00 – 9:00 pm
MHS Palmer Rm 112 / $175 /
Code 186Bridge: Supervised Play
Want to play more so you can solidify what you’ve learned?
Practice makes perfect! These sessions combine play and learning
- a great way to improve your play.
Jill Marshall: see
Intermediate Bridge5 Thursdays: March 10 – April 14 (no class March 24):
5:00 – 6:30 pm
MHS Palmer Rm 112 / $100 /
Code 187Canasta
The Beginners class is for beginners and those slightly familiar
with the card game Canasta. It will explore the basic rules,
table rules and strategies as set forth by The Canasta League of
America. The Intermediates Class is for players already familiar
with the basic rules. It will focus on advanced partner strategies
and special hands.
Sharon Steinberg is a Certified Canasta Instructor with CLA.
She is currently the Canasta and Mah Jongg professional at the
Harmonie Club in New York.
Canasta for Beginners
4 Fridays: March 11 – April 8 (no class March 25):
10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Larchmont Temple Rm 4 / $245 includes materials / Code 188
Canasta Strategy for Intermediates3 Fridays: April 15, May 6, May 20: 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Larchmont Temple Rm 4 / $195 /
Code 189 Mah Jongg: Beyond BeginnersYou will refine your skills at this intriguing ancient Chinese tile
game of luck and skill as sanctioned by the National Mah Jongg
League. We’ll focus on scoring, betting, winning and defensive
strategies, and different styles of playing the hand. Prior experi-
ence is required.
Katie Goldberg is an avid mah jongg enthusiast who has been
teaching the ancient, popular Chinese tile game for over 15 years.
7 Tuesdays: March 8 – April 26 (no class March 22):
1:00 – 2:45 pm
Larchmont Temple Rm 1 / $170 /
Code 190Poker for Beginners
This class will prepare you to hold your own in a casual game
against intelligent opponents. There will be a balance of lesson
time and playing time, so you can learn through experience.
We’ll start by covering the absolute basics of poker and the most
common poker variants, and then we’ll move into understanding
the most essential elements of strategy.
Chris Castelli is a math teacher, web developer, musician, poker
player and all-around mad scientist.
2 Wednesdays: April 6 – April 13: 7:30 – 9:30 pm
MHS Palmer Rm 115 / $65 / Code 191
Meditation & Mindfulness
Mindfulness can help you lower your levels of stress, stay
focused and calm, and live your life with a greater sense of
ease and happiness. This course integrates research-based
material from the fields of Neuroscience, Mindfulness Based
Stress Reduction, and Positive Psychology, as well as Eastern
Philosophy and Practices, to introduce individuals to the
physical, emotional and psychological benefits of Mindful-
ness and Meditation. These benefits include decreased stress
and the physical symptoms of stress on the body, increased
focus and concentration, and improved sleep. Each week,
we will learn and practice formal and informal mindfulness
practices that will help quiet the mind, bring increased focus
to our daily activities, cultivate greater happiness and improve
overall health and wellbeing.
Cheryl Brause is the co-founder and director of 2bpresent, an
organization dedicated to helping people live with greater aware-
ness, less stress and more joy. She has completed her Level I and
Level II Meditation Teacher Training from Om Yoga. She is trained
in many mindfulness-based curricula, including Learning to
BREATHE – a mindfulness curriculum for adolescents, Mindful
Schools, MBSR for Teens, and is certified to teach the Stressed
Teens (MBSR-T) Program.
6 Wednesdays: March 9 – April 20 (no class March 23):
9:30 – 10:30 am
Larchmont Temple Axelrod / $240 /
Code 195