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Kabaretscener er beliggende i Raadhuspladsens

umiddelbare Nærhed, foruden »Tivoli«, flere store

Restauranter og endelig


Særlig typisk for København er den enorme


hvortil ingen anden By i Verden kan

opvise Magen. De plane Gader begunstiger i den

Grad dette lette Befordringsmiddel, al saa godt som

alle Byens Borgere gør Brug af det uden Hensyn

til, hvilket Samfundslag eller Stand, de tilhører, i

works all of which have been erected on the old

fortification terrain. They now lie here also as a

kind of means of defence, and may al all events

be calculated to secure the city the victory in a

contest with respect to beauty.


is one of the most heavily traf-

ficked squareis in Copenhagen, and is the place

from where on a summer day, or indeecl on any day

of the year in the afternoon or evening, one is able

Stender fot.

Rosenborg Slot. — Rosenborg Castle. — Chåteau de Rosenborg. — Schloss Rosenborg.

alle Aldre og af begge Køn. Af Københavns 725,000

Indbyggere kan man roligt regne, at de 400,000 kø­

rer paa Cykle —omend naturligvis ikke ved enhver

Lejlighed eller paa enhver Aarstid.

E t særligt fornøjeligt Indtryk af denne typisk

københavnske Trafik faar man bedst en Foraars-

eller Sommereftermiddag ved 5-Tiden, enten i

Frederiksborggade (Forbindelsesgaden mellem

den gamle Bydel (Købmagergade) og den store Ar­

bejderforstad, Nørrebro) eller paa Vesterbrogade

udfor Hovedbanegaarden og Tivoli, men især paa

Raadhuspladsen. I Tusindvis kommer da Køben­

havnerne og ikke mindre Københavnerinderne,

naar Kontorer og Forretninger er lukkede, ru l­

lende paa deres H jul i tætte Kolonner. De blanke

to observe the typical streel life of greater Copen­

hagen. Here the great streams of traffic meet and

cross, from the inner town and from the suburbs

Vesterbro and Frederiksberg and the great traffic

ar tery


which, with connections

towards the east w ith Amager and towards the

north-west with Norrebro crosses the square

obliquely. Practically the whole of the town passes

this way. It is in reality the main entrance to Co-

penhagen’s »City«. The great newspaper offices

have their editing and advertisement departments

here, the hotels are amongst the hest in the town,

and no less than eight of the capital’s theatres,

cinemas and cabarets are situated in the immediate

vicinity of Raadhuspladsen, in addition to Tivoli,