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Corporate social responsability





The expertise of our craftsmen, and more widely that of our staff form

the foundation of our sustainable development. Our uniqueness comes

from preserving, enriching and passing on these often exclusive skills in

a period of growth for our métiers and our workforce.

The priority is to strengthen and develop individual expertise, increase

versatility, establish knowledge sharingwithin teams and ensure that it is

passed on from generation to generation, and preserve our talents. The

excellence and range of all this expertise is expressed not only through

the quality of the objects but also through our ability to craft them in a

way that respects the craftsmen and the environment.

Twelve of the group’s companies are certified by “Entreprises du

Patrimoine Vivant” in 2016: Hermès Sellier, La Ganterie de Saint Junien,

Holding Textile Hermès, les établissements Marcel Gandit, Ateliers A.S.,

Siegl, les Ateliers de Tissage de Bussières et de Challes, Beyrand, Les

Cristalleries de Saint-Louis, Puiforcat, John Lobb and Les Tanneries du


In 2016, two of the House’s artisans (textiles, silversmithing) were

among 12 professionals selected by the Colbert committee and named

Chevalier dans l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres.

This accolade is awarded by the FrenchMinistry of Culture for excellence

in artistic and artisanal creations (rare textiles expertise in the field of

thread crossing and the gripping technique in silversmithing).



The Group’s University, schools and academies continued to offer an

increasing number of training options.

In France, 109,476 hours of training were provided in 2016. This num-

ber does not reflect the entire training effort, since it does not include

“on-the-job” training directly at the workspace.

Université Ex-Libris

In 2016, the group’s Ex-Libris University trained nearly 1,000 people

through its 20 personalised training programs. These programs concen-

trate on two essential issues: sharing culture and developing leadership.

Almost 600 people attended in-house training programs in Paris on

Hermès culture and the richness of its expressions.

This university offers a range of diverse training options, which are

adjusted and regularly updated. It offers a set of sequential programmes

tailored to several management and maturity levels:



residential seminarswhichgivemanagersauniquesetting inwhich to

share experiences, and acquire expertise and practical tools. These

seminars also provide inspiration and an opportunity to build rela-

tionships with managers of other Hermès métiers and operations;



co-development strategies to support local managers and

Management Committee members over time. Continuing support is

provided via participatory strategies implemented at the production


In 2016, almost 200 managers attended one of the Hermès leadership

development programmes offered by the Group’s University.


gers to share with them our recruitment vision and priorities, helping to

develop shared understanding and practices, and enablingmanagers to

better understand their role in recruitment and make their recruitment

practices more professional at each stage, in a context where talent

identification is of vital importance.

The Leather School

Initial training programmes for artisans were delivered across all sites.

Degree programmes were persued. 59 artisans received the saddler

and leatherworker

SelliersMaroquiniers d’Art

diploma, 68were awarded

a CAP vocational qualification and 10 were awarded vocational cutter

certifications. Many partnerships have been entered intowith vocational

secondary schools all over France, to provide training leading to qualifi-

cations to new employees. In 2016, special attention was paid to the 35

in-house trainers (10of whomarenew) and23 tutors; they received regu-

lar support, in the form of meetings to share their experiences, and to

build new training programmes and training sessions on teaching skills,

personal development and communication, etc.

In 2016, continuous training involved 980 people being trained on

12 programmes run by the Leather School. A partnership and active sup-

port for a “Leather Cutter” training programme was favourably received

in France.

Identification and special monitoring led to 27 artisans participating in

Hermès events worldwide in 2016.

The School of Tanneries

The Tanneries and Precious Leathers division has increased the

exchange of technical knowledge between tanneries so that exper-

tise can be widely circulated among tanneries artisans. Almost

200 employees successfully completed these new modules in 2016.

The other modules of the School of Tanneries and the

Tanneur Mégissier

vocational qualifications were also developed further.

As part of the recruitment policy, the “Programme Jeunes Tanneurs” is

being continued for the fifth year. Chemical engineering students in their

final year are recruited to spend 4 x 6 months at four different tanneries