9781422289167 - page 18

Fractions in
the Kitchen
ecipes usually tell you how many servings they make. But sometimes you need to make
a different number of servings. When that happens, you must adjust the amount of each
ingredient in the recipe. Especially when you’re making baked goods, you can’t just throw
in extra of one ingredient and expect the food to turn out right. Recipes for cakes, cookies, and
breads are like chemical formulas: you need to keep the amounts exactly right or the cake, cook-
ies, or bread won’t rise right. It might turn out flat and hard—or it might rise too much and be
full of bubbles.
So if you want to double a recipe you need to multiply each ingredient by 2. And if you
want to make half of a recipe, you’ll need use exactly half of each ingredient. You’ll find some
examples on the next page.
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