9781422289167 - page 21

4 servings
+ ½ of 4
= 6 servings
1 package of macaroni
+ ½ package
= 1½ packages of macaroni
2 eggs
2 cups milk
2 tablespoons melted butter
2½ cups shredded cheese
On second thought, though, Lamar decides he wants to have enough macaroni and cheese so
that everyone can have second helpings. This means he will need 12 servings instead. Can you
fill out the chart below, changing the amount of ingredients so that this time he will end up with
12 servings?
4 servings
x 3
= 12 servings
1 package of macaroni
x 3
= 3 packages of macaroni
2 eggs
2 cups milk
2 tablespoons melted butter
2½ cups shredded cheese
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