9781422289167 - page 26

Using Time
in the Kitchen
amar’s friend George stops and says he will help Lamar get the food ready. Lamar asks
George to cut up the tomatoes for the salad—but George works so slowly that Lamar is
worried the tomatoes will never be cut. Lamar takes a deep breath and looks at the clock to
figure out how much time he has.
It’s 4:00 now, and his friends will be arriving at 6:30. That means he still has two and a half
more hours to get ready.
The macaroni and cheese is made and it’s ready to go in the oven. The cake is also made and
ready to be baked, but he can’t fit both the cake and the macaroni in the oven at the same time
(and besides, they need different temperatures).
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