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81. Egg Lemonade.

Fill your shaker half full with chopped Ice and

add I Fresh Egg, 2 teaspoonfuls of Sugar, Juice

of I Lemon.

Shake well and strain into large tumbler. Fill

with Soda Water.

82. Egg Nogg

Fill the shaker hali full with chopped Ice and

add I Fresh Egg, J teaspoonful of Sugar, i glass

of Brandy, i glass of Rum, the remainder

Fresh Milk.

Shake well, and strain into medium-sized tumbler.

Grate a little nutmeg on top and serve.

83. Egg Nogg (Hot)

Use large bar glass.

I teaspoonful Sugar,' i Fresh Egg.

Beat well up with spoon by turning briskly,

add boiling Milk while stirring, then add i glass

Brandy, i glass Rum.

Stir until properly blended, then grate, nutmeg

on top and serve.

84. Eton Blazer.

In a large tumbler put 3or 4lumps ofice, the juice

of one Lemon, i glass of Gilbey's Gin, ^ glass

Grosielle Syrup, J glass of Kir.sch. Fill ba lance

with Soda, stir well and serve with straws.

85. Empire Punch.

In a large tumbler put 3 or 4 lumps of ice, then

add I tea.'^poonful Maraschino, i teaspoonful

Cura^oa (Bols), i teaspoonful Benedictine, i tea

spoonful Brandy, 1 wine glass of Claret. FiU

balance with Champagne, stir well and decorate

with fruits in season.

(Recipe from Charlie Forrester, Casino—Dieppe,

and Carlion—Cannes.)