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measure in proportion to the part of a teacher’s schedule of courses or

subjects for which the value-added progress dimension is applicable.

After July 1, 2014, if the teacher’s schedule is comprised only of courses

or subjects for which the value-added progress dimension is available,

the entire student academic growth factor of the evaluation shall be

based on this dimension. However, students with 45 or more absences

during the full academic year shall not be included in this student

academic growth factor.

For grade levels and subjects for which the assessments and the value-

added progress dimension, or the alternative student academic progress

measure, do not apply, the Ohio Department of Education is required to

develop a list of other assessments that measure mastery of course

content. This list could include nationally normed standardized

assessments, industry certification exams, or end-of-course exams.

The four levels of performance for teachers are: accomplished, skilled,

developing, and ineffective.






The board may elect to use an alternative framework in the calculation of

the evaluation factors rather than the 50% student academic growth


If the alternative framework is used, the teacher’s ratings shall be

calculated as: student academic growth at 35%; teacher performance

measure at 50%; and the remaining 15% to be one or a combination of

the following components: student surveys, teacher self-evaluations,

peer evaluations, student portfolios, or any other component determined

to be appropriate by the district.

For this remaining 15%, districts are permitted, but not required, to use

instruments approved by the Ohio Department of Education.

Districts are prohibited from using value-added ratings from the

2014-2015 and 2015-2016 school years for evaluations or

employment decisions unless the district or school collectively

agrees with its teachers or principals to use them.

Evaluations are to be based solely on performance if a value-added

rating applies and no other measure of student academic growth is





2014-2015 REPORT




In addition to an overall grade, letter grades will be issued for each of the

following performance measures on a school or district’s report card:

1) Annual measurable objectives;

2) Performance index score (A must equal 90% or higher; C must

be at least 70% but less than 80%; and an F is less than 50%);

3) Percentage of applicable performance indicators that have been

achieved (A must be 90% or higher);

4) 4- and 5-year adjusted cohort graduation rates;

5) Overall score under value-added progress dimension which shall

use up to 3 years of value-added data, as available. (No overall

grade of A can be assigned unless value-added dimension grade is

a B or higher.)

6) Value-added progress dimension score disaggregated for gifted

students identified as gifted in superior cognitive ability and specific

academic ability fields, students with disabilities, and students

scoring in the lowest quintile on a statewide basis;

7) K-3 literacy progress based on the reduction of the total

percentage of students scoring below grade level on diagnostic
