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SHERRY ANO ICE. (Use a wine-nlass.)
One oi: two lumps of
a nrl a sm all ba r-spoon In the glass;
h!md thts
t.~e cu~tomer
wtt.h the bottle of sherry allowing
to help htms-:lf.
SHRUB-Brandy. Tn make-three quarts.
Two qna rts of brandy,
One qua rt of sherry,
pounds of loa f sugar,dissolved insufficient water;
Five leruons,
P eel the rinds of two of the
a dd the' juice of all
five, and mix with the brandy. Cover it close for t hree
.days ; then arlrl the sheri·y and sugar; strain through a jellr–
Jag and bottle.
SHRUB- Currant. General rule for preparing.
One qnar t nf st.ra ined cnrrant"julce,
One and one-h·aJf pound s of loaf Sugar.
Roll it gen tly eight, or ten minutes. skimmine: it well· ta ke
It oil'. and when lukewarm add a wineglassCul of whichever
liquor you prefer
every pint of Shrub. Bottle tight.
SHRUB- Raspberry. (Use a bowl for the mixing.)
One quart of vinegar,
Three quarts of ripe raspberries.
After svinding a d1>.r. stra in it. ndiling to each pint a pound
of sugar, and skim it clear. while boiling about half an hour.
Put a
of whichever, liquor you prefer to each
pint of the ::Shrub, when cool. 'i'wo sp,1onsful of this mixed
with a tumbler of water, Is an excelltmt drink in warm
weath'3r and during a fever.