TOM COLLINS- Brandy. ( Use a large bar glass.)
Five or six clashes of gum syrnp,
One or two dashes of Ml\,raschrno,
Juice of one sma ll lemon.
One wine-glass of bra ndy,
One or two lumps of ice.
F ill up with pluin soda.
f OM COLLINS- Gin and Wh iskey.
A rP concocted same as the bra ndy, substituting their re–
spective liquors.
TOM AND JERRY. How to prepare. (Use a punch-bowl fo r .t h•
Use eggs accordi ng to qtmntity. Beforn using eggs, be care–
ful a nd have them f resh 11nd cold. Go to work and take two
bowls, break your eg{{a ve r y carefull y, without mixing th e
yolk with tqe whites, but h a ve the whites in a separate bowl.
Ta ke a n egg-bea ter and beat the white of the eggs in,such a
.manner t ha t it becomes n stiff froth; a d d one a nrl one-!:!a lf
tablespoonfuls of sugar for each egg, and mix t his thorough–
ly to1<ether, a nd then beat the yolks
t he ev1<s until t hey a re
as thin as water. Mix the yolksoftheeggswith the whi tes a nd
until the mixture gets t he coneistency of a light batter.
I t ts necessar y
stir the mixt ure up every little while to
pre ve nt the eggs from separa ting.
TOM ANO JERRY. How to serve. (Use eithe r a mug or a bar glass. l
· T wo tablespoonfuls ot t he a bove mixture,
One wi ne-glass of bra nd y,
'One pony-glass of J amaica rum.
Fill the )llUg or g lass with hot wa ter or h ot milk, and stir
up well with a Bpoon, then pour the mixture from one mug
to the oth1>r. t hree or fonr times, unti l t he above ine rPcl iPnt'
are thoroughly mixed, grat" 11little 11utmeg on top and Serve.
TODDY- Apple; Hot. <Use a hot-water g!a91;.)
One-half·of a baked a pple.
a tablespoon ful of s ngar,
One wme-gla s of apple-jack.
lf11l the balance with hot water, st,ir well
a little n utmeg on top and ser ve, leaving spoon in t be g lasd