Police World
Vol 58 No.2 2013
IPA News
Ufton Graduates
Allan Young, Chair of Northumbria branch, reports that Ufton the branch
sponsored guide dog has graduated!
Northumbria branch elected to sponsor a puppy, named Ufton, for the first
two years of its life before it went on to full-time training. Ufton has now
completed his training and has been teamed with his new owner, Robert.
Allan said,
“It seems hard to believe that it is over two years since our
branch helped to sponsor a six weeks old yellow ball of fluff with a
mischievious glint in its eye. It is with great pride that we announce the
news of his graduation. His last hurdle in this long journey is to ensure that
he and his new owner, Robert, blend together as a team.
With the blessing of the Guide Dogs Association, Keith Laidler from
Northumbria branch has designed a certificate for Ufton. The plan is to
have the certificate presented, by the IPA branch nearest to Ufton’s new
home, when Ufton has had time to settle in.
Northumbria have enjoyed this project so much that they want to sponsor
another puppy in 2013.
Steve Mardon, from Avon and Somerset North branch, reports that the
IPA house in Barcelona is good value for money and is perfectly
situated to explore the city and its surroundings.
He says, “
Above all,
the benefit of renting an IPA house, wherever it may be, is that there are
always local colleagues there to support you willingly if you have any
questions or problems.”
To find out more visit:
Have you a got a
Special Interest?
Are you interested in adding to the Special Interest Groups already
formed -
Camping and Caravan, Motorcycling and Defence Tactics?
Triathlon and Bowling are also in foundation.
Contact Vice president, Mark Kernohan, with your ideas on:
Make the Most of
The range of offers and services that are currently available to
IPA members varies greatly. Here is a short list of just a few. For
more visit:
Discounted Hotels:
There are currently 5 hotels, in Belfast, that
offer a special discounted room rate. To find out more visit:
Discounted Rates
Gimborn -
is a unique facility based in Germany. Gimborn lies
around 30 miles east of Cologne with regular flights from many UK
airports. Courses are organized in close co-operation with the
international and national IPA covering a wide range of topics.
Section UK members can get a refund of
200 once in every two
calendar years (except for single room supplement and extra nights).
for a list of
seminars running in 2013.
The Union Jack Club (UJC)
is a private members’ club for serving
and ex-serving military personnel. Emergency Services and the Civil
Service may also use the club as Temporary Honorary Members. The
UJC is located adjacent to Waterloo East Station, London. For more
information about the UJC visit:
Warmer Welcome
In October 2012, Sussex branch luckily avoided a huge fire, during
their bi-annual visit, which caused traffic chaos in Rouen.
A tanker
exploded on the main bridge over the River Seine and the resulting
blaze affected traffic movement all day with motorists being held up
as the bridge was closed. Reports claimed that the bridge would
remain closed for many months for repairs to be carried out.
Sussex branch have been twinned with Rouen for well over forty years
and the two branches host each other every other year. 2012 was the
turn for Sussex to make the journey to France for a four day break.
Adrian Boniface, Sussex branch and 11 Region Secretary, said,
Fortunately we were on the correct side of the River and not caught
up in the chaos of traffic going in the other direction. Ironically, we
had asked for a quiet weekend as in the past, both in Sussex and
Rouen schedules had been action packed.”
Before long members relaxed as they were entertained in a variety of
different ways in the homes of several host members. Although it got
slightly confusing on the Saturday night when guests were asked to
converge at the home of Claude and Claude Etienne for aperitifs
before moving on to Le Borage Verte, for a wonderful evening meal.
Editor’s note:
Yes, Claude’s wife is also named Claude
A view of the fire
Above Guide Dogs magazine featuring
Ufton (Above) and a copy of Ufton’s
certificate (left)
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