IPA News
Police World
Vol 58 No.2 2013
On becoming the new West
Mercia branch Secretary I
decided to pay a visit to Len
Washer - one of the stalwarts
and founding members of the
IPA. whose love and passion,
commitment and energy has
been one of the corner stones
of 5 Region and the IPA.
Intrigued by the history of the
IPA and the future of the
branch, I met with Len to
discuss what it was like for Len
back in the day when he was
Secretary. I was also keen to discover first hand the challenges that
he faced and how he set out to make a difference. As we spoke
Len's pride in the IPA shone through. We discussed his
achievements being recognised by Chief Officers, his own personal
pride in his endeavours, his frustrations at the struggles of
communication between members and finding the common
interests that bring people together.
To mark his achievements and contribution to the IPA Len was
immortalised in 2010 as the central character for the 60th
anniversary picture painted by Jedd, the police artist. A fitting tribute
to a man who has put so much love into this organisation and
continues with that support.
In Len's day, email did not exist. All contact was via letter, tapped out
on a typewriter, helped occasionally by willing typists, but more often
than not Len did this task too. Perhaps you could say Len was also
one of the first publicity officers, not just a Secretary as he
promoted the IPA. Len even ran off by hand one of the first
magazines called “the Circle” to reach his captive audience. Often
Len would have to balance these tasks between his work as an
operational officer.
The same problems that exist today - the hours of work, finding the
time, to be able to reach all members in good time for events, to
appeal to the vast array of ages and interests of the membership -
yet still making it a club to join for the fun of shared friendship.
These were the days when an overseas trip was a rarity, package or
bargain holidays were not common place - the IPA gave a chance to
travel, learn and communicate with colleagues. An experience that
is priceless, just like Len.
Today the IPA competes with the ease of travel, modes of travel, the
speed and availability of the worldwide web. Laptops, email, mobile
phones of which many are little computers in their own right make
contact quicker. The technology may have grown however
communication is still an issue. The apathy wall still meets the
energy wave, yet without causing ripples, we still try to find a
common foothold where people of all ages, with differing interests,
can come together and discuss Auld Lang Syne, have fun, learn
together and simply enjoy the pleasure of like-minded company.
Some even meet their other halves via the IPA, and Len is no
exception. I discovered that Len and his lovely wife Jeanne had a
shared love of the IPA too. The proof of the pudding was in the
revelation that Len and Jeanne are still in touch with friends made
through the IPA some forty years later, some of those friends are at
Section UK Admin Centre (BSAC).
Sharing true IPA love and in the spirit of friendship Len offered to
help, guide and support me. Wishing me well, he said that it took
him fifteen years to get things going! We sincerely hope that we can
get West Mercia energised in a little less time but with a lovely team
like Len and Jeanne to show us it can be done, there is always hope.
Carole Markham (West Mercia Branch Secretary)
Len Washer and Carole Markham
Rochdale Go
In need of some form of pre-Christmas enjoyment, members from Rochdale
branch were joined by a few friends from Lancashire branch and headed to
the beautiful town of Dol de Bretagne for shopping at a traditional French
country market.
The group then decided upon a detour to Mont Saint Michel, a rocky island
about half a mile off shore near the town of Avranches.
With an international incident, involving lamp post and our coach, averted,
the next stop was the centre of St Malo, a beautiful walled city, founded as a
monastic settlement in the sixth century. Members explored the town’s
cobbled streets, soaking up its historical atmosphere and noting the amazing
amount of wonderful eating places.
Tired but happy after the exertions of the day we boarded our ship for the
return voyage home.
The weekend’s adventure encouraged the two branches to promise that
something similar will be arranged for the future - watch this space.
Frank Pearson
, Rochdale branch
Keep an
Eye on the
The notice board is an area of the
Section UK's website for posting members’ messages and requests.
It is intended only for messages of a non-profit making nature, such as
penpals, youth exchange, career development requests etc.
To add a message to the notice board please email your request to:
Your request will be entered on the notice board. Please note, your
personal email address will be included on the noticeboard so that
members can contact you regarding your message or request. Contact
will be member to member.
The types of requests are expanding and can cover areas such as
memorabilia, collecting, youth exchanges, accommodation and pen pals
etc. When request involving members' children, eg youth exchanges are
published, personal contact details must be provided but will not be
published. Contact between members will be managed by staff at the
British Section Admin Centre (BSAC).
Remember to visit the website on a regular basis to ensure you keep up
to date with the latest news and offers available.
For publicity posters and materials visit:
Members are free to download and print material to assist
in transmitting the Association’s message.
Finally the Useful Document page is an area designed to house items
such as stationery, certificates, manuals and guides - visit:
Monthly Dining Club
Planned for 2013
In 2013, Scarborough branch is developing a monthly
dining club where members are determined to eat
their way around the world at a different restaurant
venue every month.
The plan is to start with Indian food
followed by Brazilian. There are also plans to hold a 10
Pin bowling event and a Beach BBQ and, if tickets are
still available, the branch will take a small crowd to one
of the local music festivals - see page 31.