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4.1 Analysis on Capgemini 2016 Group consolidated results



Registration Document 2016 — Capgemini

Consolidated statement of financial position

Equity attributable to owners of the Company


December 31, 2015. This increase was mainly due to:

€7,272 million at December 31, 2016, up €385 million on

profit for the year of €921 million;

a €169 million increase in foreign exchange translation reserves;

partially offset by:

the value of own shares deducted from consolidated equity for

launched by the Group,

the year of €340 million under the share buyback program

net of deferred tax,

pensions and other post-employment benefits of €257 million,

the recognition in equity of actuarial losses on provisions for

€229 million.

the payment to shareholders of the 2015 dividend of

up €55 million on December 31, 2015, mainly due to:

Non-current assets

total €10,590 million at December 31, 2016,

impact of foreign currency translation adjustments;

a €121 million increase in goodwill, attributable to the positive

a €83 million decrease in other non-current assets, mainly due


redemption of ORNANE 2013 bonds, valued at €162 million

purchased on October 18, 2013 following the early

in 2015,

the exercise of the call option on Cap Gemini S.A. shares

the fair value remeasurement of cash flow hedging derivative

of foreign exchange risk, recognized through equity in the

instruments contracted pursuant to the central management

amount of €54 million.

Operating receivables

(accounts and notes receivable) totaled

December 31, 2016 compared with €2,207 million at

excluding capitalized costs on projects, totaled €2,244 million at

December 31, 2015 and represent 64 days annual revenue.

€3,074 million at December 31, 2016, compared with

advances from clients and amounts billed in advance and

€3,055 million at December 31, 2015. Accounts receivable, net of

Non-current liabilities

increased €213 million at December 31,

mainly due to the increase in provisions for pensions and other

2016 (to €5,206 million compared with €4,993 million last year),

post-employment benefits, notably in the United Kingdom and to

the ORNANE 2013 bonds).

bond issues (2016 bond issue offset by the early redemption of

compared with €2,724 million at December 31, 2015.

than income tax and total €2,818 million at December 31, 2016,

and related accounts, personnel costs and accrued taxes other

Accounts and notes payable

mainly consist of trade payables

2016 compared with €1,767 million at December 31, 2015. This

Consolidated net debt

totaled €1,413 million at December 31,

€354 million improvement was mainly due to:

organic free cash flow, equal to cash flow from operations less

acquisitions of property, plant, equipment and intangible assets

interest cost, of €1,071 million;

(net of disposals) and adjusted for flows relating to the net

offset by:

Gemini S.A. shares,

cash outflows of €340 million in respect of transactions in Cap

payment to shareholders of the 2015 dividend of €229 million,

an increase in lease finance liabilities of €60 million.

Outlook for 2017

and organic free cash flow generation in excess of €950 million.

exchange rates of 3.0%, an operating margin of 11.7% to 11.9%

For 2017, the Group forecasts revenue growth at constant

In addition:

notably the appreciation of the US dollar and the Brazilian real.

The Group expects the impact of currency movements on

the pound sterling depreciation against the euro offsetting

revenues to be minimal on a full year basis, with the impact of

The Group looks into discontinuing its equipment resale activity

In order not to disrupt the analysis of quarterly trends, organic

in Brazil, which represented approximately €60 million in 2016.

growth and growth at constant exchange rates will be presented

after removing this activity from 2016 and 2017 revenues.

The impact of acquisitions on revenue growth is estimated at

this stage to be a few tens of basis points.