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The grandiose building plan fo r New -Copenhagen from the gear 16b9 (see

e - 9



at page 99) on account o f various circumstances was carried out

only piecem eal, and the d evelopm en t p ro ceed ed only at a slow pace. A fter

the siege 1658-60 H enrik Riise built Kastellet (the Citadel) as shown in the

map cd page 10b. In 1662 Riise was commissionecl with the task o f designing

a new plan fo r the entire New -Copenhagen, which gave p rop er consideration

to the comprehensive purchases o f land undertaken by Queen Sofie Amalie

east o f the street Norgesgade. The citizens, how ever, did not com p ly with

the demands made that they should at once build on the sites parcelled out,

an unbroken street fron tage being now demanded fo r the first time. Abou t

Riise’s proposal fo r the remova l o f Østerport (Eastern Gate), see fig. page 108.

Connected with the construction o f New -Copenhagen was the lay-out o f

Kongens Nytorv, conceived as a monumental square, surrounded by distin-

guished buildings, the first effo r t to introduce architectural control with the

street fi onts in Copenhagen. In the middle o f the square the equestrian statue

o f Christian the Fifth was erected , and the grounds surrounding it were, in

the course o f time, Icdd out in d ifferen t manners, latest in 1915-16, and

occasional regulations o f the square w ere likew ise undertaken.

In 1667 the loacl to the Custom House


was rem oved to

an embankment, which after the construction o f Kvæsthusgade in 1688 was

extend ed to Nyhavn (N ew p o r t), and eventually straightened out when the

timber yards were laid out in the years after 1706 (fig. pages 117 and 119).

Both Christian the Fifth and Frederik the Fourth entertained plans fo r

the building o f a new palace on the site o f Sofie Amalienborg, but a fter the

fire in 1728 the area was used partly as a garden, partly fo r drill grounds.

In l/b9 Frederik the Tifth donated the whole area fo r the construction o f

Ti edei iksstaden (see fig. at puge 119). This new section o f the town was to be

laid out and developed with houses o f the greatest possible artistic quality

according to a plan by Eigtved. The sites were donated to interested parties,

who undertook to build according to the directions given, and fou r out-

stancling noblem en were given the sites fo r the fou r town-houses surround­

ing the central square, Frederikspladsen, F rederik Square (see fig. pages

126 and 129), the erection o f a church was cilso a part o f the town plan.

On the square the equestrian statue o f F rederik the Fifth was erected in

1771. A fte r the burning down o f Christiansborg in 179b the palaces at Am a ­

lienborg became Roya l residences, and Harsdorff built the Colonnade. The

building o f the church was entrusted to successive architects, Eigtved, Thurci,

and Jardin, but the work was discontinued in 1770, and was not resumed

till 100 years later, when it was paid fo r by Tietgen and was carried out on

the drawings o f F. Meldahl. The new section was comparatively quickly

developed , but not as the harbour and comm ercial quarter which had ori­

ginally been plcinned. From a town planning point o f view, it is rather

unfortunate that this exclusive section takes up one o f the most important

harbour fron ts o f the city.

The area between Nyboder, Kongens Have, and Østervold (Eastern

Ramparts) is shown at pages 131 and 132 and the area betw een Frederiks-

staden and the presen t Toldbodvej at page 133. In the eastern part o f the

area a Customs warehouse was later erected . The Adelgade- and Borgergcide-

section (page 137 ff .) gradually became a pronounced slum section, and

since about 1910 a radical re-d evelopm en t o f m a jor parts o f it has been

discussed, and various plans proposed . In 19b2 the local ciuthorities adopted

the re-developm en t and slum clecircince plan shown at page lb2. On the left

the Adelgade-Borgergade section is seen, which is supposed to be partially

re-d eveloped after the clearance o f the slum buildings. Two new connecting

streets leading to the harbour through Frederiks staden are planned.

N E W ( o

p e n h a


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9 8


see page 106.


pages 109-114.


see especially the plan at page

123, tex t pages 118-129.