Brandy Flip.—(Use a large bar glass.)
1 fresh Egg.
table-spoonful of sugar.
^glass of shaved lee.
1 wine glass full of Brandy.
Shake the above ingredients well in a shaker, strain Into a flip
or other fancy bar glass, and grate a little nutmeg on top and
Wliiskey Flip.
Same as above, substituting Whiskey for Brandy.
HotBrandy Flip.—(Use large bar glass, heated.)
1 tea-spoonful of sugar.
1 wine glass of Brandy.
Yolk of one egg.
Dissolve the sugar in a little hot water, add the brandy and
egg, shake up thoroughly, pour into a medium bar glass, and
fill It one-half full of boiling water. Grate a little nutmeg on
top,and serve.
HotBum Flip.—CUse large bar.glaas, heated.)
Same as Brandy Flip, substituting Jamaica Eum Instead of
HotWliiskey Flip.
Same as Brandy Flip, using Whiskey instead of Brandy.
HotOin Flip.
Same as Brandy Flip, using Holland Gin instead of Brandy.
Cold Bum Flip.—(Use large bar glass.)
1 tea-spoonful powdered sugar, dissolved in a little water.
1 wine glass Jamaica Eum.
1 fresh Egg.
2 or 3lumps of lee.
Shake up thoroughly, strain in a medium glass, and grate a
little nutmeg on top.