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INFORMS Nashville – 2016


2 - Optimization Of Large Scale Tennessee Bioenergy Production

From Field To Blending Facility

Lixia He-Lambert, University of Tennessee, 2621 Morgan Circle,

310 Morgan Hall, Knoxville, TN, 37996, United States,,

Burton C. English, James Larson, Tun-Hsiang

Edward Yu, Bradly Wilson, Oleg Shylo

A large scale spatial-oriented mixed integer linear model was developed to

maximize the net present value of the Tennessee switchgrass-based biofuel supply

chain. Location of the production of feedstock within each five square-mile

hexagon was determined along with the location of candidate preprocessing

centers and biorefinaries. Shipping routes from field, and from biorefinary to

biorefinary and to blending facilities were determined.



Sequential Stochastic Optimization

Sponsored: Optimization, Optimization Under Uncertainty

Sponsored Session

Chair: Xiangyu Gao, University of Illinois, 04 Transportation Building,

104 S. Mathews Ave, Urbana, IL, 61801, United States,

1 - A Transformation Technique For Stochastic Optimization With

Decisions Truncated By Random Variables

Xiangyu Gao, UIUC, Urbana, IL, United States,,

Xin Chen, Zhan Pang

A common technical issue encountered in many operations management models

is that decision variables are truncated by some random variables. The challenge

arising from this problem is that the objective functions are not convex in the

decision variables due to the truncation. To address this challenge, we develop a

powerful transformation technique which converts a non-convex minimization

problem to an equivalent convex minimization problem. We show that such a

transformation enables us to prove the preservation of some desired structural

properties,such as convexity, submodularity and L^natural-convexity, under

optimization operations.

2 - Stochastic Optimal Control Based Rental Of Production Capacity

Under Uncertain Production Requirements

Maurizio Tomasella, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United


Artur Korinski

We model and analyse problems related to the optimal rental of manufacturing

capacity, when requirements for both demand and product technical

specifications evolve stochastically over time. We study a number of variants of

business models of capacity rental. Adopting Stochastic Optimal Control based

formulations, we derive the optimal closed-form policies that lead to choosing

rental solutions with respect to the more established models of full ownership of

manufacturing technology. A numerical case example involving high power fiber

laser sources, one of the leading technologies in materials processing, shows the

applicability of our optimal policies to real production environments.



Recent Advances in Optimization and Related Topics

Sponsored: Optimization, Integer and Discrete Optimization

Sponsored Session

Chair: Sebastian Pokutta, Georgia Institute of Technology, Ferst Dr.,

Atlanta, GA, 30308, United States,

1 - Structured Learning Revisited

Daniel Zink, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United


, Sebastian Pokutta, Gabor Braun

Frank-Wolfe techniques are popular due to their simplicity and more recently

Frank-Wolfe algorithms also gained significant traction for online learning. We

propose a new algorithm in the setting of online combinatorial optimization,

where the underlying feasible region is a 0/1 polytope P (e.g., paths in a graph).

We achieve the same regret bounds and convergence rates as Frank-Wolfe

techniques both in the online case and offline case, while gaining a significant

speed up in computation time. Moreover, our bounds hold in the online

structured learning setting, only depending on the l1-diameter of P and

independent of its actual (very large) dimension d.

2 - Approximate Hierarchical Clustering Via Lps

Aurko Roy, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United


, Sebastian Pokutta

We study a cost function for hierarchical clusterings introduced by a recent work

of Dasgupta for which a top-down algorithm was given that returns a hierarchical

clustering of cost at most O(log1.5 n) times the optimal cost, using the ARV

sparsest cut algorithm as a subroutine. We improve this by giving an O(log n)-

approximation algorithm for this problem. Our main technical ingredients are a

combinatorial characterization of ultrametrics induced by this cost function,

deriving an IP formulation for this family of ultrametrics, and showing how to

round an LP relaxation of this formulation by using the idea of sphere growing

which has been extensively used in the context of graph partitioning.

3 - On The Computational Complexity Of Optimizing Over The

Chvatal Closure Of A Polytope

Dabeen Lee, PhD Student, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000

Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, United States,,

Gerard P Cornuejols, Yanjun Li

In this paper, we study the computational complexity of some problems that arise

when taking the Chvatal closure of a polyhedron. Given a rational polytope

contained in the unit hypercube or a rational simplex that does not contain any

integer point, we prove that deciding emptiness of its Chvatal closure is NP-

complete. It has two implications; first, it is NP-hard to check whether a given

rational polytope contained in the unit hypercube or a rational simplex has

Chvatal rank 1; second, the optimization and separation problem over the

Chvatal closure of a given rational polytope contained in the unit hypercube or a

rational simplex is NP-hard as well.



Disciplined Convex Programming for Nonconvex


Sponsored: Optimization, Computational Optimization and Software

Sponsored Session

Chair: Miles Lubin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology-ORC, MIT,

Cambridge, MA, 00000, United States,

1 - Polyhedral Approximation In Mixed-integer Convex Optimization

Miles Lubin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,

MA, United States,

, Emre Yamangil, Juan Pablo

Vielma, Russell Bent

We present recent developments in the polyhedral outer approximation algorithm

for mixed-integer convex optimization derived from using disciplined convex

programming to automatically generate extended formulations from a user’s

algebraic input.

2 - Disciplined Convex-concave Programming

Steven Diamond, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States,

, Xinyue Shen, Yuantao Gu, Stephen P


In this talk we introduce disciplined convex-concave programming (DCCP),

which combines the ideas of disciplined convex programming (DCP) with

convex-concave programming (CCP). Convex-concave programming is an

organized heuristic for solving nonconvex problems that involve objective and

constraint functions that are a sum of a convex and a concave term. By

combining CCP with DCP, we obtain an automated system for applying CCP that

correctly handles subtleties such as the domains of functions and

nondifferentiability on the boundary of domains. We describe a Python

implementation called DCCP, which extends CVXPY.

3 - Outer-approximation Techniques For Mixed-integer Semidefinite


Christopher Coey, Doctoral Student, Massachusetts Institute of

Technology, Cambridge, MA, 02139, United States,,

Miles Lubin, Emre Yamangil, Juan Pablo Vielma, Russell Bent

We will present an extension of the outer-approximation algorithm in Pajarito for

mixed-integer semidefinite optimization problems, and test the new approach

with computational experiments.
