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The Civil War

rise in the late fifteenth and early

sixteenth centuries, when characters

such as Ferdinand and Isabel, and

Columbus and Magellan, shaped the

country’s outlook for the next three

hundred years.

Giles Tremlett

Ghosts of



The Guardian

’s Madrid

correspondent takes a warts-and-all

look at contemporary Spain, and finds

the dark days of the Civil War never

very far from the surface, even now.

It’s a terrific read – if you buy just

one book for general background on

how modern Spain works and what

its people think, this should be it.

Gerald Brenan

The Spanish


. First published in 1943,

Brenan’s record of the background to

the Civil War is tinged by personal

experience, yet still impressively


George Orwell

Homage to


. Stirring account of the

CivilWar fight on the Aragón front

and Orwell’s participation in the early

exhilaration of revolution in Barcelona.

A forthright, honest and entertain-

ing tale, covering Orwell’s injury and

subsequent flight from the factional

infighting in Republican Spain.

Paul Preston

A Concise History

of the Spanish Civil War




The leading historian of twentieth-

century Spain offers

Civil War

, an

easily accessible introduction to the

subject, and


, a penetrating and

monumental biography of Franco

and his regime.

Hugh Thomas

The Spanish Civil


. Exhaustive political study of

the period that is still the best single

telling of the convoluted story of the

Civil War.

Art, architecture and style

Gijs van Hensbergen


The Biography

. A worthy bio-

graphy of “arguably the world’s

most famous architect”.Van Hens-

bergen puts substantial flesh on the

man while placing his work firmly

in context, as Spain lost its empire

and Catalunya slowly flexed her

nationalist muscles.

John Richardson

A Life of Picasso


The definitive multi-volume bio-

graphy -Volume 1, covering the

period 1881–1906, is an extremely

readable account of the artist’s early

years, covering the whole of his time

in Barcelona.

Phyllis Richardson

Style City:


. Part guide, part celebration

of everything that’s considered cool

about contemporary Barcelona.The

book covers the sharpest restaurant

interiors to the latest galleries, arti-

sans’ studios to Art Nouveau bars,

accompanied by 350 colour photo-

graphs that show Barcelona in its

most flattering light.

Philippe Thiébaut

Gaudí: Builder

of Visions

. Read van Hensbergen for

the life, but pick up this pocket-sized

volume for its excellent photo-

graphic coverage – not just Gaudí

buildings and interiors, but sketches,

historical photographs and architec-

tural insights that add up to a useful

gateway to his work in the city and



