Brandy Straight.
Use small barglass.
Put a piece of ice in the glass and let the·customer
serve himself from the bottle, with water on·the side.
Whiskey Straight and Gin Straight are served in
the same way.
Brandy and Gum.
Use w!tiskey glass.
Three or four dashes gum syrup.
One or two lumps ice.
Place a spoon in the g lass, and hand with a bottle
of brandy to the customer. \Vhen any otherJiquor is
called for it is used in the same manner.
Pony Brandy.
Use small barglass.
Set before the customer a small bar glass, and
another containing ice water.
Fill a pon:Y glass with best brandy, and pour it
into the empty glass.
The fancy way to serve is to fill a pony glass to
the brim with brandy, cover it with the inverted bar
glass, press both glasses tightly together and turn
them over quickly, so the pony glass will remain
upside-down in the bar glass without the brandy