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Page Background

Expected Gas Sourcing

Caspian Region, LNG (HR,QA), IAP project, Baumgarten

Comments about the Third-Party Access Regime

TPA regime is not defined yet


Main Driver

Market Demand

Main Driver Explanation

The current capacity is limited;the section from Lučko to Rogatec up to 1.5 bcm/y.Increasing capacity by 5 bcm opens the possibility for importing more

gas from the Baumgarten. In addition, the source of the gas, in the near future) is going to be the gas from the LNG solution on the island of Krk as well as

from the Ionian – Adriatic Pipeline toward Slovenia and the neighbouring countries. In this case the current pipeline capacity would not be sufficient;

therefore it is envisaged to be increased. By doubling the pipeline, it is possible to use both the existing and future Croatian UGSs. The construction of this

interconnection is vital for the security of supply of both the Croatian market and other markets in the SE region.

Benefit Description

It will be significantly increase the capacity of the interconnection of the Croatian and Slovenian gas transmission systems in both directions. It will increase

the capacity along the route, provide enhanced access to Baumgarten and Italien gas market. The most important impacts and benefits of this project: 1. It

provides security of supply for Croatia (N-1 criterion has not been met!) and a reverse flow (from Croatia to Slovenia) 2. It provides access to the gas

markets of Austria and Italy via the Slovenian system 3. It provides import and significant transit of gas from the direction of Italy and Austria to CEE and

SEE countries (Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia…) 4. It provides significant transit of gas from LNG terminal, Ionian-Adriatic Pipeline or other

sources towards Slovenia, Austria and Italy as well as the countries in their surrounding 5. It facilitates market integration


Barrier Type



Availability of funds and associated conditions

Intergovernmental Agreements


Agreement Description

Is Signed Agreement Signature Date

Letter of Intent

Signed between Plinacro and Plinovodi



Memorandum of Understanding

Signed among Plinacro, Plinovodi and Gas Connect Austria



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Page 285 of 620

Current TYNDP : TYNDP 2017 - Annex A

Southern Corridor GRIP 2017–2026 Annex B |