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Main Driver

Market Demand

Main Driver Explanation

will integrate Serbia with the new supply route receiving gas from Croatia gas transmission system which will enable it to be supplied from all other

neighbouring markets (Hungary, Austria, Italy). This project is an interconnection of the gas systems of Croatia and Serbia on the route Slobodnica-Sotin-

Bačko Novo Selo and it is primarily intended for transport of LNG from the terminal on the island of Krk as well as from other possible routes and

directions towards SEE countries. The most important impacts and benefits of the project: 1) It provides viable and secure supply of SEE countries, which

are heavily dependent on the Russian gas and jeopardized by the Russian giving up on the South Stream project and the announcement regarding

termination of gas transmission via Ukraine after 2019 2) It provides diversification of supply (also in case the previously mentioned threats fail to occur)

and thereby competitiveness and lower prices for users 3) It facilitates market integration

Benefit Description

It will be new entry point and transmission route for the needs of Serbia

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Current TYNDP : TYNDP 2017 - Annex A

Southern Corridor GRIP 2017–2026 Annex B |