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Celery Cocktail.

Take pony beer glass three-quarters full of Dr.

Brown's celery tonic, one-half pony glass of Creme

de Mcntlie, three dashes Angostura aromatic hitters

and serve.

Richards Famous Cocktail.

First prize, 1907—Fred. H. Kramer, Richards

Hotel, Portland, Oregon.

Fill mixing glass with cracked ice, then add a

jigger of California white grape juice, also a jigger

of whiskey, then a dash of orange hitters; stir well

and serve in a cocktail glass that has been chilled;

garnish glass with Maraschino cherry and a slice of

orange which has a niche so it will hang on the

side of the glass.

Scotch Cocktail.

Second prize, 1907—F. C. Coutts, with J. F. Charles

Cabinet Saloon, South Butte, Montana.

Use mi.xing glass half full of cracked ice, three

dashes of gum syrup, two dashes of Maraschino,

two dashes orange hitters, one pony Scotch whiskey,

one pony French Vermouth; stir well; strain in

cocktail glass; add sherry and twist lemon peel.