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Appetizer Cocktail.

One-third wine glass brandy.

One-third wine glass Maraschino.

One-third wine glass Red Curacoa.

Three dashes Orange Bitters.

Two dashes Angostura Bitters.

Shake well, strain and serve with a piece of

lemon peel.

Chicago Cooler.

Use large punch glass.

One piece of ice.

One teaspoonful lemon juice

One bottle imported ginger ale.

Float a little claret on top and serve.

Panama Cooler.

A large goblet.

One-third full cracked ice.

Juice of one-half orange.

Two dashes lime juice.

One jigger Rhine wine.

One jigger sherry.

One-half bar spoonful sugar.

Three or four dashes Maraschino.

Stir well and fill the balance of glass with ice;

decorate with fruit and serve with straw.

Hock Cobbler.

Same as Catawba, using Hock wine instead.