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Champagne Cobbler,

Bottle of zvinc to four large bar glasses.

One teaspoonful powdered sugar.

One piece of orange and lemon peel.

One-third full shaved ice.

Fill with wine, decorate with seasonable berries

and serve with straws.

Whiskey Cobbler.

Use large bar glass.

One and one-half wine-glasses whiskey.

Half tablespoonful of sugar, well dissolved.

One slice of orange, quartered.

One dash of Maraschino.

Fill glass with fine ice, stir well and dress with

fruits. Serve with a straw.

Sherry Cobbler.

This is made the same as the Catawba cobbler,

with the addition of a couple of pieces of pineapple

and the substitution of Sherry for Catawba wine.

Claret Cobbler.

This is made the same as the Catawba cobbler,

substituting claret for Catawba wine.

Catawba Cobbler.

Use large bar glass.

One teaspoonful powdered sugar dissolved in a

little water.

One slice of orange, quartered.

One-half glass shaved ice.

Fill with Catawba wine, ornament with season

able berries and serve with straws.