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Key vulnerabilities

• Vulnerable water resources for hydropower plants and

thermal/atomic plants for cooling.

• Vulnerability of entire energy grid system.

• Vulnerability increase of mining infrastructure and

employee security.

• Increase in vulnerability of active mining infrastructure.

• Increase in vulnerability of old mining infrastructure

(tailing ponds, waste sites etc.).

• Vulnerability of tourism sector e.g. winter sports.

• Vulnerability to infrastructure, indirect vulnerability

through food and water supply.

• Limited ability to cope, particularly for elderly people and

population already suffering from different diseases.

• Vulnerability of economically active population working for

enterprises with low safety standards.

• Vulnerability of population approaching or below the

poverty line and/or socially vulnerable groups.

Key risks

• Interruption of energy supply for population and industry.

• Increase in energy demand.

• Risks for cooling systems.

• Persistent use of traditional energy sources such as firewood

leading to deforestation.

• High risks in casualties and injuries.

• High risks in pollution outbreaks.

• Damage to mining infrastructure and financial losses of

industry from natural hazards.

• Safety and security of visitors, reduction in visitors, loss of

tourism sector revenue, risk to health, energy and water


• Injuries and casualties.

• Migration triggered by aggravating environmental conditions.

• Destruction of property, livelihoods and infrastructure.

• Increase in poverty.

Summary of Key hazards, vulnerabilities and risks


Climate hazards


• Increase in temperature including

extremely hot days;

• Extreme weather events such as

strong winds/storms, heavy and

intense rainfalls etc.

• Increase in number of natural

disasters land slides, mudslides etc.

Mining industry

• Increase in number of natural

disasters in mining areas, through

heavy rainfalls, etc.

• Increase in number of natural

disasters land slides, mudslides etc.


• Increase in temperatures; events

such as floods, landslides,

mudslides, avalanches etc.

Human health and security

• Increase in temperature; including

number of extremely hot days.

• Events such as floods, landslides,

mudslides, avalanches, windstorms
