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Recently launched on the web-site: UNEP’s Rapid Response Assessment report “The Environmental

Food Crisis”.


B3. Outreach, publication

and media support services

to UNEP such as

development of visualization

materials, organization of

outreach events on findings

of assessments, exhibitions

for conferences, facilitation

of lectures and media

events, and technical

publication services.

B3. Three packages of

outreach and media coverage



Support to UNEP provided by participation in the Communication, Education and Public Awareness Fair in

conjunction with the 9


Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity.

An exhibit of publications and services developed and organized. Five roll up banners designed and

printed. Copies of selected publications distributed to the public during the event. Roll up banners were

also exhibited during the UNFCCC Subsidiary Body meetings, 02-08 June, in Bonn, Germany;

Support to UNEP provided by taking part in World Environment Day 2008 activities. World Environment

Day 2008 celebration in Arendal organized with the launch of the publication

Kick the Habit: A UN Guide to

Climate Neutrality

. Event attended by local media, students and school officials;

Support to Payments for Ecosystems Services (PES) in Uganda provided. Fieldwork conducted.

Additional activities planned for 2009;

Launch and dissemination of

Poverty and Environment Times a

t the TICAD IV Conference held 27-29 May

in Yokohama, Japan conducted. Copies of the paper also distributed to individuals and institutions locally,

nationally and internationally;

Support to UNEP’s public campaign “UNite to Combat Climate Change” provided. An exhibit of selected

original artwork and posters from UNEP’s International Children’s Painting Competition organized at the

Arendal Library from 24 October until 11 November;

A local children’s painting competition on the theme Climate Change: Our Challenge in organized in

collaboration the Arendal Library and with support from the Arendal International School. Winning entries

exhibited at the Arendal Library from 10 December 2008 to 10 January 2009;

Contribution to the publication World Resources Report 2008: Roots of Resilience - Growing the Wealth of

the Poor

and the Oslo launch of the

report made. A

ctivities included meetings with the Norwegian Minister of Environment and Development

and a briefing event/ panel discussion that involved more than 25 participants.


Support to UNEP provided by hosting a seminar designed to bring together key stakeholders from the Oil

and Gas sector to discuss possible joint initiatives with UNEP on environmental matters in February 2009.

The seminar, jointly organized by UNEP-DTIE and GRID-Arendal, followed an assessment conducted by

UNEP on an initial project proposal to set up an Oil and Gas Sector Climate Protection Partnership.

Support to UNEP provided in the preparation and launch of the UNEP report

The Environmental Food

Crisis: The Environment's Role in Averting Future Food Crises


the UNEP Governing Council in Nairobi in February 2009 and at the release of the report at the 17th

session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development in New York in May 2009.

Support to UNEP provided by organizing the launch of the publication

Climate in Peril

at the UNFCCC Climate Change Talks in in Bonn, Germany in

March 2009 in Bonn, Germany. The publication was also released at the Many Strong Voices Planning

Workshop in Washington, DC in March 2009.

Support to UNEP provided by taking part in World Environment Day 2009 activities. World Environment

Day celebration in Arendal organized with the preparation and launch of a major UNEP publication,


Natural Fix? The Role of Ecosystems in Climate Mitigation

, the

release of the report

Vital Forest Graphics

at a seminar on payments

for ecosystems services hosted by the Fridtjof Nansen Institute in Oslo, and the screening of the Home, a

film by Yann Arthus-Bertrand, in Arendal.