of digital resources on climate
change adaptation.
Activity planned for 2009. Funding secured from UNEP.
MSV Virtual Library of digital resources on climate change adaptation
The MSV Virtual Library was conceived to provide quality-controlled resources (including multimedia
resources) on climate change impacts and adaptation in SIDS and the Arctic, and to primarily target regional
and local leaders in the Arctic and SIDS in meetings and presentations. Developed through consultation with
a small working group of partners, the project includes materials on mitigation, adaptation, education and
outreach and research as well as climate change information relevant to Arctic and SIDS. The Virtual Library
is running on the MSV website
http://www.manystrongvoices.org/library/default.aspx?id=4077and will be
updated as new material is acquired through MSV’s expanding network.
B2a) UNEP Strategy on
Indigenous Peoples
Led by UNEP and work funded by jointly by UNEP and GRID-Arendal. Decisions from UNEP for finalization
of the strategy to completed by end of 2008.
No 2009 funding available. UNEP will probably approve the strategy/guidelines in 2010
B2. Coordination and
facilitation of Arctic
component of UNEP policy
for engagement with
Indigenous Peoples and
leadership in assessing and
improving effectiveness of
MEAs in the Arctic (coastal
and marine focus).
B2b) one forum and associated
materials to improve
effectiveness of MEAs in the
Project developed in 2008 and agreement with UNEP signed in December for work to begin in 2009.
Two reports:
Enhancing conservation and sustainable use of Arctic biodiversity: seven case studies and five
stakeholder perspectives;
The effectiveness of MEAs in protecting Arctic biodiversity
to be completed
first quarter 2010.