Club
Soda
Lemonade
tablespoonful
sugar.
Juice
of
one
lemon.
split
club
soda.
Stir.
Decorate
with
fruit.
Egg
Lemonade
Juice
one
lemon.
tablespoonful
sugar.
egg-
Fill
with
fine
ice
and
water.
Shake
well.
Fruit
Lemonade
Plain
lemonade.
Add
slices
pineapple,
orange,
cherries
and
other
fruit
in
season.
Hot
Lemonade
tablespoonful
sugar.
Juice
one
lemon.
Fill
with
hot
water.
Stir.
Add
slice
of
lemon.
Orangeade
Juice
one
orange.
Juice
%
lemon.
%
tablespoonful
sugar.
Fill
glass
with
ice
and
water.
Shake
well.
Decorate
with
fruit.
Plain
Lemonade
Juice
of
one
lemon.
tablespoonful
sugar.
Fill
with
fine
ice
and
distilled
water.
Decorate
with
fruit
and
serve.
Seltzer
Lemonade
Juice
one
lemon.
One
tablespoonful
sugar.
Fill
glass
one-half
full
of
ice.
Fill
with
seltzer.
Stir.
Decorate
with
fruit.
Soda
Lemonade
Juice
one
lemon.
One
tablespoonful
sugar.
Fill
glass
one-half
full
ice.
Add
one
pint
lemon
or
plain
soda.
Stir
gently.
Decorate
with
fruit.
Whiskey
Lemonade
Plain
lemonade.
Float
one
jigger
whiskey
on
top.
Fruit.
No
mixed
drink
is
perfect
unless
ingredients
used
are
perfect.