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Købmanden sælger Teen med en Fortjeneste af

364/ii pCt., idet han sælger en Del af Teen til 3,23

Kr. pr. kg og Resten til 4,50 Kr. pr. kg.

Hvor mange kg udgør hver af de to Dele?

2. En prismatisk Træklods har kvadratisk Grund­

flade og Højden 32 cm. Klodsen vejer 13445,6 g,

og Træets Vægtfylde er 0,7.

Find Siden i den kvadratiske Grundflade.

I Højdens Retning foretages en cylindrisk Ud­

boring gennem hele Klodsen. Den gennemborede

Klods vejer 321/3


3 af den oprindelige Klods.

Find Udboringens Diameter.

I hver Ende af Udboringen anbringes en Kugle

med samme Diameter som Udboringen, saaledes

at den ene Kugles nederste Punkt er i Plan med

Klodsens Grundflade, og den anden Kugles øver­

ste Punkt er i Plan med Klodsens øverste Flade.

Find det Rumfang, der inde i Udboringen lig­

ger mellem de to Kugler.

Et Prisme med Grundfladen g og Højden h har Rum­

fanget g . h.

En Cylinder med Højden h og Grundfladens Radius r har

Rumfanget ~ r



o O

En Kugle med Radius r har Rumfanget

^ r 3.

Engelsk Version.

The Bell of Disaster.

In one of the towers of

Cologne Cathedral

is a

powerful bell, the sound of which is so terrible that

it is rung only in times of danger and disaster, and

then even the bravest become afraid. It is called

the fire-bell, and this is its story.

Long ago a new bell was needed for the cathedral.

Many tried to make one, but W olf (a clever, but not

a good man) was chosen to


the bell.

Many people came together to see W olf at his

work. He had made the


and everybody be­

came silent as, saying a kind of prayer, he poured

the hot metal into the mould. Now they had to wait

till the metal had cooled. At last the mould was


and everybody was disappointed to see

that all through the bell there stretched a big


W olf was very angry, but swore that he would

succeed the second time. Another mould was made,

once more W olf said his prayer and poured in the

metal, and still more eagerly did the people wait for

the result. The mould was removed, and again the

bell was found to be cracked from top to bottom.

Now W olf was so angry that he cried, ” If God

will not help me, then the devil will.” Everybody


at his wicked words;, all gathered, how­

ever, when for the third time he began to cast the

bell. But they shuddered still more when they heard

W olf say, ” In the name of the devil,” instead of

” In the name of God.”

And when the bell came out there was no crack

in it. Its form was perfect, and it was beautiful

to look at. The bell was hung in the cathedral tower,

and W olf stood ready to ring it. But when he began,

the sound was so terrible that everybody hurried

home in fear.

Wolf, driven mad with bitter thoughts, sprang

down from the tower and was killed on the spot.


U lykke. —


Köln. —


Dom ­

kirke. —

to cast,

at støbe. —


Form . —

to remove,

at fjerne. —


Revne. —

to shudder,

at gyse.

Realeksamen og Pigeskoleeksamen i Maj-Juli 1930.

Dansk Stil.

Som almindelig Forberedelseseksamen.

Regning og Matematik.




1) En Ejendom, vurderet til 112000 Kr., hvori

der er Laan til et samlet Beløb af 72000 Kr.

2) Et Varelager, vurderet til 35000 Kr.

3) Udestaaende Fordringer til et Beløb af 45000


Den 27. April sælger


sin Forretning til


Denne overtager Ejendommen med de indestaa-

ende Laan til Vurderingssum, saaledes at han skal

betale Forskellen mellem Vurderingssummen og

Laanenes samlede Beløb. Endvidere overtager han

Varelageret til Vurderingssum, og endelig overta­

ger han de udestaaende Fordringer til et Beløb,

der er 22 pCt. lavere end deres paalydende Værdi.

Hvor meget skal


betale A?

Betalingen foregaar saaledes, at





1) 27000 Kr. 4 pCt.s Obligationer (Terminer 11/,i,



) til Kurs 96.