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days o f September, the following passed the examina­

tion and their names are arranged in order of m erit:

i. John Patrick Redmond; 2. James P. G.


3. Patrick Joseph Farrell, John

Morrissey (Equal).

5 candidates attended ; 4 passed.



examinations held on the 24th and 25



o f September under the Legal Practitioners

(Qualification) Act 1929, the following passed the


First Examination in Irish.

Bruce Francis Blake, Thomas C. Buckley, John Cecil

Cashman, Fionnbarra Dempsey, Marie Therese

Donnellan, William O’Dwyer Durkan, Margaret

Mary Foley, Maire Neasa Gibbons, Michael John

Harris, John P. A . Hooper, Gillian Mary Hussey,

John J . Jay, John Vivian Kenny, Thomas Joseph

Macken, Margaret M. F. N. Maguire, Joseph Murray

McGowan, Maurice Anthony Neville, Gertrude

Louise O’Connell, John Michael O’Donnell, James

W. G . Osborne, George J . P. O’Sullivan, Patrick

John Ryan, Gerard Anthony Walsh.

28 candidates attended; 23 passed.

Second Examination in Irish.

Fintan P. Clancy, Patrick Colfer, Patrick M.

Cooney, Alphonsus Grogan, Brendan O’R . Rogers,

Hallam J . C. Studdert.

13 candidates attended ; 6 passed.

A t the Intermediate Examination for apprentices

to solicitors held on the 6th and 7th days o f

September, the following passed the examination

and their names are arranged in order o f m erit:—■

Passed w ith H onou rs.

1. Dermot J. Devine; 2. Albert C. O’Dwyer ;

3. Brian Claffey ; 4. Desmond P. Windle ; 5. Carmel

O’Connell; 6. Edmond J . K . McGrath.


James J. Kelly, Denis A. McArdle, Patrick J.

Gearty, William A. Irwin, Joseph J. Kiernan,

Brendan J. Jones, Thomas E . Tighe, Austin V.

Maher, Kenneth Kenny, Michael I. Moore, James

L. F. MacCarthy, Michael J. Gleeson, Nicholas

O’Keeffe, Patrick P. Ward, Michael D. D. Heather,

John J. Waters.

39 candidates attended; 22 passed.

The Centenary Prize was awarded to Dermot J.


At the Final Examination for apprentices to

solicitors held on the 6th, 7th and 8th days of

September, the following passed the examination,

and their names are arranged in order o f merit:—

Passed w ith H onou rs.

1. Patrick F. Treacy; 2. John A. Gaynor, B.A.


Aidan O’Donnell, Nicholas S. Hughes, Patrick

M. Cooney, B .A ., LL .B ., Patrick P. MacMahon,

Donough B. McDonough, Patrick J. Gardiner,

Maurice J. Phelan, Valentine P. Carney, B .A .,

Timothy Murphy, Dominic Spelman, B .A ., James

Maguire, Esmond Davies, Patrick J . Carolan, B.A .,

Michael P. Donnelly, John L. Moore, Patrick C.

Kelly, B .A ., William F. Harpur, Richard D.

Kennedy, Charles Fay.

42 candidates attended; 21 passed.

The Council has awarded a Silver Medal to Patrick

F. Treacy and a Special Certificate to John A.



1 9 5 4




Findlater Scholarship was not awarded.

The Overend Final Examination Scholarship

(Real Property and Conveyancing) was awarded to

Patrick F. Treacy, who served his apprenticeship

with Mr. Lughaidh P. Gleeson, Nenagh, Co.


The Overend Preliminary Examination Scholar­

ship was not awarded.



h e

Circuit Court Rules, 1954 (S.I. No. 212/1954)

dealing with solicitors’ costs are now on sale at

the Government Publications Sale Office, G.P.O.

Arcade, Dublin, price 2s. The rules which came

into operation on 4th October, 1954, amend the

Circuit Court Rules, 1950, in various respects, and

substitute a new schedule o f costs for the third

schedule to the rules o f 1950. The following new

Rule 32 is added to Order 58 o f the Circuit Court

Rules, 1950 :—

In any defended cause or matter personally

conducted by a solicitor at the hearing, the

County Registrar may, in fixing the instructions

fee, take into consideration the additional work

done, and responsibility borne by the solicitor.

In any such case where the costs are taxed under

Parts III, V , or V I o f the schedule hereto

entitled the Third Schedule, any sum allowed

under this rule shall be in addition to the

instructions fee in the said parts.

4 i